I was lax in my posting about the show I'm in. Last Friday night we had about 30 people show and Saturday ...about 20. It's a good show and deserves to make a bit of the old cashola so if anyone who reads my journal has nothing else to do this Friday May 18th or Saturday May 19th come on over to Beautiful! Downtown! Middletown! And see the scrappiest bunch of rag tag thespians this side of the Ohio.
More Info:
http://consumer.discoverohio.com/searchdetails.aspx?detail=58517http://www.cincinnatiusa.com/cinstage/Onstage/proddetail.asp?ProdID=48330http://www.middletownlyric.org/season.htm Check how quote-worthy I am:
http://www.journal-news.com/e/content/oh/story/entertainment/theater/2007/05/08/go051107lyric.html Tell your friends!
I promise it won't be anything like this.
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