Just wanted to say thanks for the suggestions on the slings and double strollers. I think I am going to use my slings that I have (hotsling and mei tai) and tammie (
tgoody ) is going to let me borrow her moby wrap. I didnt know I could use the mei tai from infant up so thanks kate (
kate1125 ) for letting me know! I really like my mei tai so between the 3 slings I think I'll be fine. We dont need the double stroller right away but I think we are leaning towards one of the maclaren doubles.
My friends had a little tea party for me yday afternoon to celebrate the baby. It was small and intimate and just a fun time to hang out with some of my girlfriends. I did feel bad though cos most of the people they invited happened to be out of town (there was something going on that a bunch of them thought would be over on Saturday but they only got back late Sunday so they missed it). but we had a great time. J and Javan came to it as well so it was just nice to have them there as well to celebrate.
Javan helped me cut the yummy cake! And yes I ate a big chunk - It was my fave pineapple flave cake and I wasnt gonna let stinking GD beat me on this one:) I just sorta worked out afterwards:)
Norma and Nicole hosted (norma is pg and due mid july)
My friends at work missed the tea, so they are taking me out to lunch next Friday (the 17th) to celebrate. Its really sweet that this baby is actually getting something to feel special. I never expected a shower at work but the ladies at work were disappointed that out dept isnt doing anything so they wanted to go out to celebrate which is pretty cool with me! Lunch with girlfreinds is always great:)
and finally, here's a sneak peak of the new colours in the nursery - once we have it set up I will post pics. The colours are aqua chintz (it looks more blue in the pic but it is actually more aqua) and hudson river stone and of cos the chair rail is in the middle. I do like it but I was starting to think it looks more boyish - oh well! I've never been a pink kind of person so if this is a baby girl she won't be ruined cos her nursery looks blue!
I do have my 35 wk shot but since I have my doctors appt on Wednesday morning I'll wait til then to post it with that update. and I also got my maternity pics over the weekend. i'll post those too (hopefully t'row)
here's my latest collage though:
and on an even happier note, we are finally coming up with names that we are starting to agree on. I think J got a kick in his ass cos he realized I am 35wks now so he can't mess around. Yday at the tea, they had this name game and it was pretty funny to have him in there participating. I think my girlfriends got a taste of what I've been going through (though not as bad!) Anyways what they didnt know what that one of them totally picked out one of the names we are using for a girl - we didnt let on though since we decided not to tell anyone the name until the baby is born.
mmm .... I guess this wasn't really quick! J is home and we're going to start practicing breathing techniques from tonight.