Nov 07, 2006 01:33
Work in big warehouse area with Justan and Alan check cashing. Outside 2 hotels are demolished. 1 is left standing and i see someone in underwear still in framing. I go upstairs and hear it come down and wonder if they were ok, Later, talk with father of Rosemary;s baby who adds finds out what was devil's vs gods plan. Adds function of where on "vertical spectrum" things were to wikipedia search. A lot of talk about who inventted the internet. Final consensus was it was a multiple. Outside near Asher's house on cross coutry. Me and the father or Rosemary's baby are talking nd he gets injured to the head, bleeding everywhere. Woman sees from her door and thinks i did it (but nothing ever comes of it). I yell for someone to call 911 but no one does. I go to a pay phone (not really a payphone just a normal old fashioned phone on a telephone pole) and hit 911. Get put through to telaphone company instead. Go through whole situation and find out its not the police (couldnt find name of stree either, but ended up at corner of westlend (spelled like that) and cross country) he tries to sell me starbucks card. Finally find some kids with a cell phone with 911. He lends me his cell and i tell them about the starbucks card. They don't listen though. Make call and wake up.