(no subject)

Oct 14, 2007 07:48

You know how in Israel we were always upset that the ultra-religious parties were forcing us to move to winter time way before Europe and the US move?
Well, I'm starting to think that Israel and the religious parties are actually doing it right. Watching the sun rise at 7:30 am is ridiculious. 7:30? What time is that for a sunrise? Most people have to get up at least 30 minutes earlier to get their kids ready for school and such. I don't think the idea behind daylight saving time was to have everyone wake up 30 minutes before daylight starts.

Of course, I'm just gripping because my midweek bike rides usually start at 6:30, so I can get to work at time, and I really hate to start my rides when it is still pitch black outside. So, in a way, I am like the ultra-religious, trying to convince an entire coutry to change their clock to fit my needs. I think that in California there are enough people trying to excersize in the morning, that there is a real chance convincing the state to change the day light saving time change dates. I'm not sure what are the state rights in this matter, but if Arizona manage to have no daylight saving times at all, maybe California can just do different dates.
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