Thoughts about Story Idea?

Mar 10, 2012 13:12

soo...I got an idea for what will hopefully be an intresting and captivating story.

What does everyone think about a Silent Hill crossover?? I've only watched seasons 1-4 of Criminal Minds so that's where I'm going to be time-line wise but I was thinking of making Silent Hill mostly AU, just using some of the plot ideas and twisting the ideas into my own, kind of.

Like...what if Spencer Reid was actually adopted? What if he had been found on the doorstep of an orghanage, barely a few months old? What if it was in Maine? What do the nightmares that he suffers actually mean? Will he find his way to Silent Hill? And if he does will he be alone or will the team be with him?

:)What you think?? hehe I know I'm basically placing Reid in Alyessa's place but I like the idea, just curious if anyone else likes it as well or has any ideas they'd like to throw my way to help me along, I'm basically writting as the ideas come to me, no real outline.
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