She Did It Her Way -Darla Ficathon Master List

Oct 31, 2009 09:19

Today and tomorrow are the posting days for She Did It Her Way, the Darla ficathon. When you have posted your story, please comment on this post with a link to your fic and I will add your name and story to the list.

Many thanks to ruuger for the beautiful banner.

shapinglight wrote Venus and Mars, Darla/Drusilla and OC, PG-13-R

peasant_ wrote The Greatest of These, Darla and OCs, PG-13-R

quinara wrote Devouring Time, Darla PG13.

kidcyclone wrote Darla Takes Charge, Darla, PG13-R.

whichclothes wrote She's a 20th Century Vamp Darla, NC17

rebcake wrote Gamesmanship, Darla and the Master, PG.

brutti_ma_buoni wrote An End of It, Darla/OC. PG.
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