Lucifer Bonus Episodes

Jun 01, 2018 13:11

As of writing, the fan campaign to save Lucifer is still ongoing, mostly on Twitter. The showrunners have promised to tell the fans if/when they should quit, but they haven't done so yet. I'm not getting my hopes up, though.

So it could well be that these two episodes, which were meant to air in season 4, will be the last two episodes of Lucifer ever. All I can say is...

Spoilers behind cut

...that on first viewing (I haven't had the chance to re-watch), I wasn't too keen on either of them, and episode 24 - the final episode of season 3 - makes a better ending for the show as a whole.

That said, episode 26 (the AU Neil Gaiman as voice of God one), works fine as...well, as an AU, in which - it was claimed in the blurb - Lucifer had free will. However, I think God's rather smug narration rather belies that blurb, God being omnipotent and all. It's more like the episode was saying that, no matter what the circumstances, Lucifer and Chloe would end up finding each other eventually, even if 'Dad's' meddling was a bit less obvious than in the main Luciferverse.

The episode was quite fun anyway, though the ultimate message of it could not have been more at odds with the original comics series. Comics!Lucifer would of course never fall in love with a human woman, but if he had and had then discovered his father had set her in his path, he would have killed her himself rather than allow his free will to be compromised in any way (which, of course, is not really possible in a universe where God is omnipotent, which is why the original Lucifer comics series ends with Lucifer leaving the universe altogether).

Actually, it's more likely that Comics!Mazikeen would have stepped in and killed Chloe so Lucifer wouldn't have to. And later he would have thanked her for it.

But never mind. The show is a whole different animal, and huge numbers of the fans on Twitter who are still trying to save the show are Deckerstar 'shippers, so if Lucifer is picked up by anyone, even just as a book-ending TV movie like Farscape, it wouldn't at all surprise me if Modrovitch/Henderson et al felt obliged to end it with Lucifer turning human or something like that so he and Chloe could be together for ever (which I wouldn't like much, have to say) just to reward them.

So anyway, this episode was quite fun. Interesting to see the characters being different and interacting in different ways, and great to see Maze looking, and acting, more like Mazikeen in the comics.

As for the Ella-centric episode 25, though it offered the tiniest of clues to Chloe's reaction to the big revelation that Lucifer is really and truly the devil, just like he said (basically, she was a bit cool and eye-roll-y towards Lucifer when he was around but was still working with him, and admitted to Ella that she'd come across way weirder things than talking to ghosts) and Aimee Garcia as Ella was very good in it, the episode felt bitty and pointless to me, with the Lucifer/Dan stuff falling quite flat.

Still, it was nice to meet another of Lucifer's siblings, even if Azrael, the angel of death, did turn out to be not quite what I was expecting. Okay, I'd always liked the idea of her being Asian (in the American sense of that word, which this side of the Pond usually refers to someone whose heritage is from the Indian subcontinent), but I guess I was imagining someone more like Zhang Ziyi in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, all martial arts moves and (on the surface) cool ruthlessness, rather than a complete and total nerd. I think I could have got used to the idea if the character had been recurring in season 4, but as it is, her scenes with Lucifer didn't work for me.

Oh well, that's probably it. We'll see. If it is 'it', though, it's going to really frustrate me never learning what on earth made Lucifer think a brown suit was a good idea.

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