Just realised that it's been over two weeks since I made a post. No idea how, or why, that happened.
Anyway, stuff behind cut about all the things in the post title, with spoilers.
Yesterday I watched X-Men: Days of Future Past for the first time, only two years behind everyone else (because I missed it at the cinema, didn't want to fork out for the DVD, but it finally turned up on Netflix). Can't say I liked it much.
At least, can't say I liked the future-set scenes. There were a few set in 1973 - notably the Charles/Erik conversation on the plane and the Erik/Raven conversation in the subway station that were pretty good. On the whole, though - and the scene at the end where Wolverine is wandering around the school and meets Jean and Scott confirmed this to me - the most problematic thing about these films is the X-Men themselves. Or the 'present day' X-men - the ones we met in the first movie - anyway. They're...dull. Apart from Wolverine, who is not dull, but is just in everything way too much. And sadly, Storm, who should not in a million years be a dull character, is the dullest of all. :Sigh:
Still, the McEvoy/Fassbender/Jennifer Lawrence chemistry is still great. More of those three please.
In other news, such as it is, I finished watching Marco Polo season 2. Unlike, apparently, the majority of viewers, I wasn't disappointed by it. Preferred it, in fact, to season 1. However, it seems that the series may not get a third season, which would annoy me, have to say, given that season 2 ended on a kind of cliffhanger, with Kublai Khan's sons riding into an empty encampment, their father and his court having (so it seemed) been slaughtered to a man/woman/child by the legendary Christian King, Prester John. And okay, I know the series has strayed significantly from historical fact many times, but ending it in such a fantastical way rather than with Kublai Khan as a long-lived and successful emperor of China, would really irritate me. Meh!
I've also nearly finished reading Lucifer the comics series. God, it's good. And although the two iterations are nothing like each other, it's made me even more impatient for Lucifer the TV series season 2, especially for the whole dysfunctional family thing with Lucifer, Amenadiel and Ex-Mrs God. Can't wait.
And that's it, I guess. I'm afraid I find myself still not wanting to talk about RL stuff at all on LJ. I don't even want to post birdy-pics. Not sure when, or even if, I'll want to again. I put this down to the world seeming like such a shitty place at the moment. Like many people, I'm not ignoring the news (you can't), but I don't much want to talk about it.
How are all of you?