It's my
seasonal_spuffy posting day today.
Due to various circumstances (some my fault, some not), I ended up with only two days to write it, so I've fallen back on that old staple, or a variation thereof, the post-apocalypse/final climactic battle story, plus avoided any complications (such as having to think of an actual plot) by dumping my readers in medias res and running for cover. ;)
Setting: post-series and post-apocalypse/final climactic battle
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Spike/Buffy (obvs) but mention of Spike/Drusilla and Angel/Buffy
Un-beta'ed, so please forgive (and point out so I can amend) any mistakes with my American.
Mention of character death
Disclaimer: Not for profit, don't sue etc.
2260 words
Raison d'Etre