Agent Carter episode 4 and comics-related whinging

Jan 28, 2015 17:32

Still absolutely loving Agent Carter.

Which is more than I can say for the Marvel Comics Universe at the moment.

More behind cut, with spoilers for upcoming developments in the MCU, but no real spoilers about Agent Carter.

Yeah, Agent Carter was really good, but as very few people on my flist appear to be watching it (or haven't been able to watch it yet) there doesn't seem much point writing about it.

I did find amusing (in a sour sort of way) the comments of some guy on a Buzzfeed article, who was moaning about how, why did no one tell him the show was about 'feminism, pure and simple', because if he'd known that he would never have watched it.

Reading this makes me want to show the guy the really horrible crying baby gif that Tom Brevoort, one of the lord high panjandrums of the Marvel comics arm, has taken to using whenever anyone says anything to him on his Tumblr about not liking the direction the comics are going in.

Not a nice man, Tom Brevoort, or at least his online persona isn't nice - though I have to give him some brownie points for some very robust rejoinders against posters wanting to 'declare war on Muslims' after the Charlie Hebdo massacre, and telling him he was a 'towel head lover' when he disagreed.

Where the comics are concerned, though, the retcon about the parentage of Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch not being Magneto's children after all (as has been the case for the last 30 years) was the final straw for me (and Brevoort can repeat as often as he likes that it's not being done to bring the comics verse in line with the movie verse - no one, including me, will ever believe him). I've decided to quit Marvel comics for good.

About time, I suppose. ;)

And happily for me, they've given me a perfect jumping off point, because their latest comics-wide event, which is supposed to simplify their various comics universes and whittle them down to only one, entails what will probably be the cancellation of the last two books they're producing that I'm actually interested in - the Magneto solo book, and Loki: Agent of Asgard.

These may be famous last words, of course. But that's the plan. I'll just read to the end of the current storylines (some time this summer/autumn) then walk quietly away.

Or maybe I should do what one of the nuttier Bangel 'shippers out there has done because of the Buffy/Spike kiss in Buffy season 10, and bombard writers, artists, editors, comic book review sites, even Joss and SMG, with outraged, abusive tweets, all written in capital letters?

What do you think?


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