Prayer Request and The Job Search of Doom

Jul 11, 2008 04:00

I've been looking for work for the past couple of months in and out of my career. Usually right now I would be highly busy in TV/film production, being hired for various positions and making barely enough money to last us during the slow/dead months of winter. This summer is different. It has been looking dead since May. I did have back to back gigs booked in advance but then at the very last minute one by, one they got cancelled; this being a moment too late to get on the Billy Gram or H.Montana films. After all the cancellations I had to start hitting the contact list. I think I literally contacted every career contact I have in my book. The typical response was "they don't have a project at this moment to hire you for and will keep you in mind when there is one." I'm thinking of course it wouldn't be any other way.
When there is a mountain of a road block like this I question, what does God want me to do? I reevaluate, pray, and brainstorm. Then pray some more. Usually when things aren't working God wants me to rethink things find other ways or things to do.
So I begin rethink, brainstorm, and see where God can bring me. Thoughts that were brought up...
What are my strongest and semi strongest skills? Why did God give me such a HUGE heart for travel, exploration, world culture, art, science, etc. and the skills that involve these passions? What does he want me to do with all my gifted skills? Do I need to go back to my roots and become a scientist / photographer? But why did he give me the natural ability to excel & understand almost anything in film & TV? All the typical questions when you are stuck and don't know where you should go. All I can do about that is to give it all to God and pray.
In this thinking and feeling I was brought back to an old college idea of making a film company. I thought if I can't get work through these people why don't I just hire myself. I brought the idea up with a work partner who also has been toying with the same idea. So we start to configure of all the basics that we need for a really tiny company. A couple of weeks pass by being fed up that there is still no work; I tell my partner we just need to do it and stop talking, he agreed. During my motivational move a passing thought comes to my mind by saying "I wonder if this is going to work haha and does God approve?" Poop, am I being hasty on this? I can say that something freaky cool happened the day we decided we should take action. That freaky cool thing was that a girl who does marketing for big Christian label contacted me out of the blue that very same day, looking to be friends with other young married Christian girls. She also told me she was also looking for production people who can do music videos in the later future. All I can say about that is Wow! Another passing thought comes to mind... (*shakes fist* stupid brain always thinking) This time it said "Is this a sign of God's approval or is it just a path for me just to meet this person to be just friends?" Well what do we have to lose? Let's take a chance on both. My partner and I started to go into hyper drive so we can be prepared if it is the way to go but right now I feel a big halt on this as well. I really don't know if this is where I need to be or not and at the moment while things have temp. halted I still really need to make some money for our basic needs before Brett and I go broke.
I have been applying to all the basic jobs out there, doggy day cares, retail stores, etc. I keep hitting dead ends on those as well, which makes things even more depressive. Some uplifts did come in temporarily. Brett and I did find a possible side job. It's a perfect job for Brett's weird school schedules and the days/times I don't work a regular job. The job is teaching ballroom dancing. Haha... Random I know. The down fall about it right now is the studio itself won't open until Sept. 1 and while we are training 3hrs per day, 3 days a week (thurs-sat) we don't get paid for training and we won't get paid until clients come in. ahh the irony. We will get good pay but not when we need it the most. I do think there is a reason for us being there, so we both are going to call it a future side job for now. The other glimpse of hope involved me applying for two producer jobs; one involved writing and producing commercials for a couple TV show clients and the other one involved with CBN's operation blessing. (which would be the MOST perfect steady job ever. I mean come on... you deal with culture, travel, video production, helping people, God based work) It was one of those, what the heck; I apply to these even if the likely of getting any response is slim. Yeah one week later I was called by an HR lady and she phone interviewed me. Oh yeah, Yes, it was the CBN one!! (In my mind...I was doing the happy dance) The interview went ok. It would have been awesome if I could actually think intellectually in a focused manner but typically I wasn't b/c I was not on my adderall while I was at Brett's parent's "cottage," next to a lake, in the middle of Michigan. Grrrr! That was a real low blow of disappointment. I had a chance and I probably blew it. I do still hold onto a sliver of hope and pray that it wasn't that bad after all and I get the job.
Arg! Waiting again... I just hope this time it's not a really slow burn of deny.
On with the job search... At this moment every time I apply it gets more depressing with every denied gate put in front of both Brett and me. I cry a little every time a day passes by with no luck. I can say, even though I'm down right now I still believe God provides, and I should always keep faith.

If you believe please pray for us. Thanks. <3

Prayer Request:
Please pray for Brett and me to get jobs. One for Brett that will hold him over until school starts or until the dance thing kicks in. For me the CBN job, a job or gigs in my career, and something temporary I can do during the morning/day for basic needs of right now.
Off topic prayer request... my joints, back, and knees need healing and stop hurting.


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