Eco laundry... yes the post may sound like a commercial... but I'm being honest here. lol

May 23, 2007 15:35

So I was in the store a couple of weeks ago looking for my regular laundry detergent that I've used for years "ALL" and came across "Arm & Hammer Essentials." It's an Eco friendly laundry detergent. I first read all the fine print, etc. It gave the same amount of loads per bottle as "ALL", the ingredients are natural plant based, and it was a little bit cheaper. I then opened the mountain rain kind and it smells good. So I purchased it to try it out. (Was skeptical about it.) It actually ended up cleaning very well. :)

Makes my clothes smell soooo good, cleans well, and it's bio-friendly. Yay! Hopefully it stays on the market. :) :) :)
(When ever I find good products I like, they go away. booo)

I now encourage all my friends who like to be friends with the environment or have one less thing that harms it to try it out too.


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