It's Not a Glamorous Life After All.

Oct 19, 2009 21:49

I didn't and still don't care for the glamorous / famous life like a lot of people who strive to work for in the entertainment industry. When it comes to my career, I just care about making a difference in the world, creating art through film, photography, and maybe other mediums when I feel like it, and being successful at it. BUT first have complete focus on God and second loving unity with my husband.

Looking back on it all, after reading The book "Lion's Den Survival Principles For media professionals.. and everyone else" by Larry Poland and listening to some very important sermons and scriptures; I see that I was not at all spiritually strong in other aspects of my life, which in turn made me weak spiritually and considerably not prepared while I was working in my career. You have to be a really tight with the Lord in all angles of your life and have a well-grounded support system before you step into that world. I was missing a lot of pieces of this particular puzzle.

Today while I was admiring short hair cuts, trying to get the nerves to actually cut it all off, I came across an article that reminded me again why I need to stay focused on rebuilding everything and making it stronger than ever before, no, ever dreamed of, so when it's time, I will become a tenacious warrior.

Here's the article:

Sexual abuse of models is fashion's dirty secret

It's not just the Fashion industry's secret either. It's the whole entertainment industry and every position in front and behind the camera/music. And it happens often. No Joke.

Every rare once and a while The wizard of OZ (media) stops the illusion of a wonderful magical world called the entertainment industry and for once they publish truth. Granted the article is from the UK, but never less the truth seeps out and we have access to it.

I wonder if we can make it ok to create eunuchs again as part of punishment for sexual abuse and if it's with a minor have a high possibility of penectomy as well? Just a thought.

Good Night.

(P.S. Side note: I would highly recommend the book I mentioned. It was so good, I read the whole thing in a couple of hours and then precede to start reading it again. It's free off of www. if you want a copy.)

fashion, life, film&tv

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