Digital Spy released ten teasers for 3x04:
1. After the goblin's antics in the last episode, there's more heavy drinking this time around.
2. The stocks make a return, but this time it isn't Merlin who's in them.
3. Diamonds are an assassin's best friend.
4. Camelot's latest arrival Gwaine is a big fan of Gwen, which does not escape Arthur's notice.
5. “The wearer of these ******** will be able to **** on the **** of whoever's ***** they touch.”
6. Merlin mentions his father for the first time since the end of the last series.
7. New knight Sir Oswald is right-handed. Or is that left-handed?
8. “He didn't have any servants. He didn't have... anyone.”
9. “At least now I know why you ****** ** ****.”
10. Merlin does a very good impression of a magician's assistant.
Thoughts? #4 was almost comically predictable, but the rest leave me quite hopeful! I wonder if Merlin mentioning his father will be a M/A scene? And #10 sounds fantastic.