Do you have any pairings from other fandoms that remind you of M/A? They don't even have to be male/male-I always say that I'd still ship M/A if one of them were a girl, so het pairings in addition to m/m and f/f pairings are fine too. ♥ I thought this might be a fun topic because you are likely to be introduced to a) people who share your parallel pairing(s) and b) new fandoms.
To start us off, I'll name one that is rather popular as of late: Arthur/Eames from Inception.
This would be a kick.
Not a total mirror image of M/A in terms of physicality and status, but I find that they have that same push-and-pull dynamic of banter and bickering. This Arthur is just like our Arthur in that Eames finds him a bit condescending and uptight, and Arthur seems a little exasperated with Eames, but when it comes to the crunch (and by 'crunch' I mean ACTION SCENES OF GREAT INTENSITY), they reveal a great fondness and care for each other. If you have more similarities to share, please do so in the comments! If one person beats you to mentioning a pairing, you don't have to zip your lips-respond and agree, add other angles, etc.!