Think of the Weekly Party Post as your one stop fangirling experience. Everything is allowed! Comment fic, spontaneous picspamming or iconing, general fannish squeeing, etcetc. Want to get something off your chest? Have a fandom discussion that you never tire of? Want to pitch an idea you've had floating around in your brain to see if anyones interested? Need questions about the series answered? Share it here.
As always, try to keep it civil, but everyone is entitled to their opinion and is more than welcome to share it here.
WEEKLY SUGGESTION: If Merlin took place in a different country, do you think everything would still be the same? If Arthur was the next in line to be Emperor of Japan or the head of a Native American tribe, would he still be able to achieve such greatness? Would he even want to? How would it be different? How would it be the same?