So I get this message auto distributed stating that one of my sculptures was pulled down off of DA. For basicly not being my own work. Now what KILLS me on this is that I think they are pointing out that I posted a ref picture with the sculpture to show its progress. They didn't however delete the posted one before it, Or after it. It was clearly labled that it was owned by the creators of avatar, that this was just a fan sculpt. So why the hell did they pull it down? I have submitted a request for further information.
1 deviation of yours, listed below, has been removed from deviantART due to a violation of our policies:
Title: toph wip II
URL: [link]
Submitted: 2006-08-06 7:18:00 pm
Your deviation was removed due to violation of one of the following policies:
An administrator has removed your deviation as being a violation of copyright.
Your submissions may not contain material or images which were not created entirely through your own effort; this means that you cannot simply collect photographs, artworks and other images, writings or scans from printed books/magazines and submit them to your account. You are not allowed to submit “reworked”, “edited” or otherwise “modified” material which you obtained from other sources.
This behavior is known as plagiarism, copyright infringement, or by the slang term of "ripping" and is an illegal behavior. Your submissions and all the material within it must have been created entirely by your own hand and through your own effort.
If you continue to violate our copyright policy your account may be suspended for a period of time or banned.
If you feel this removal was in error, or have questions regarding it, then please visit the deviantART Help Desk in order to submit a Copyright Violation Inquiry. Be certain to include the above link and title of your deviation in your inquiry for a prompt response.
Please do not reply to this note as it is an automated process and will not be answered and please do not bring these issues into the Forums or other areas of deviantART.
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deviantART staff
I can only presume its because there is a ref picture posted with it. Which if so okay... fine. But its not like it was posted up as "my work" next to it was clearly photos of a sculpture in progress.