00 - P-p-poker Face

Aug 26, 2009 01:07

Out-of-Character Information
Name: Pixle
Are you over 15?: YES
LJ username: pixle
Time Zone: +5 EAST
AIM: Slr Fireruby
MSN: -
E-mail: -
Tegaki: Whut
Anything Else?: I'm not just a member, but also some person in the game!

In-Character Information
Name : Gandrayda
Game/Series: Metroid Prime 3
Canon Point: Right after the corruption of Samus (dark)
Age & Grade Level: 32 in earth terms, but 17 in human age equivalent, Senior, TA (TA dorms please)


Girls really do have more fun. Especially if they are alien creatures hailing from another world.

Gandrayda would be one of the best Bounty Hunters in the Galaxy, if it was not of her immaturity (which could be understandable if everyone knew she was only seventeen, perhaps). She was never one to speak formally, even during a briefing, and was highly amused by what she called 'light hearted' pranks, which always sparked the ire of her peers and those commanders who were not strong enough to earn her respect. Getting Gandrayda to listen to you was something akin getting a badge in the Galactic Federation. Admiral Dane most certainly earned the lion's share.

Granted, she would have gotten dismissed from the corps or her bounty hunting missions if it wasn't for her remarkable abilities and combat skills. Because of her shipshifting nature and bio-form, scanning Gandrayda to determine where she comes from, her true age, or her nature will always be a mystery to all others except herself. That, in itself, was coveted by the Galactic Federation. Truthfully, she is relatively young - equivalent to about seventeen in human age, as her kind age twice as slowly as humans. Her teasing nature leaders her into getting in verbal fights with some of the other short-fused bounty hunters - sometimes she would even shapeshift into those she was arguing with, just to imbalance them. Getting Gandrayda amused is easy enough - just be stoic and boring and she'll have her fun with you. She finds fun in every little thing, but especially if she is the cause of a problem. You know the type to set a bag of poop on fire, just to watch who comes to put it out? That's Gandrayda.

Oh, but do not think she is all about joking and being mysterious I the end all of who she is, dear reader! For you see, Gandrayda wants to be the very best and, secretly, she wants everyone to wish they were her; the ultimate bounty hunter. Of course, there's that babe in a suit that always seems one step ahead and the first in line to stop her, and that's why she has always considered Samus her chief rival in all things that encompass Bounty Hunting. For you see, why would you bother comparing yourself to anyone else, but the very best? And hey, she's most certainly worked her charm on Samus, enjoying calling her “Sammy”, knowing it probably annoys Aran. BFFS forever, okay? Okay. Admittedly, she almost considers Aran like a mother-figure she should follow and overcome (but shhh that's a secret), and should Samus' life be threatened, she'll spring to her defense on a moment's notice. Not that Samus would need it, mind you, but you know, the thought that counts and everything.

She is a hopeless flirt, and it will cause problems around the school for those who are not careful. It doesn't help that she has no male or female preferences, considering she can morph into either .and yeah...let's not get how her species reproduce normally.

Gandrayda regards bounty hunting a very enjoyable sport, which is all you need to know about how she approaches any situation in life, really. There is a childlike innocence in most of her actions, but don't be led on too much my her outwards demeanor - when Gandrayda actually starts fighting, you'll understand why she has gotten hired so many times. Once the mission is on, she's unusually serious and deadly...unless the opportunity presents itself for a little joke, of course. Her favorite strategy is, of course, attacking the enemies with their own soldiers and weapons. Destroying from within, how delightful!

Despite all of this, she is still, deep down, a soul striving for the good in the universe - sure the monetary rewards are nice and hunting pirates is always fun, but Gandrayda still likes to respect the balance of nature. Even with all the amusement and teasing, she really is a good gal. If someone were to break down from her teasing, she'd honestly stop. She simply doesn't have a good gauging meters and why do humans have to be so gosh darn fun. Still, you've got a problem, she'll do her best to help you out. Just don't expect her to do it without being a brat and expecting you to shower her with praise.

But she means well. Really.

So Gandrayda gets little to no background information in the game. Therefore, most of this will be based on fan speculation and what little information has been gathered from the scans about her.

Born to her parental units on planet Jovia XII, Gandraya's life was typical to the natives; taught to shapeshift as soon as she could talk. She just happened to be a prodigy, even for her own kind, being able to shapeshift many times her size even at a young age. Dotted perhaps a little too much with love and words of praise, she grew up thinking she was all of that, and much more. Her friends and family just overfed her ego. At their human equivalent age of fourteen (28), she left home to go work in the metal mines to earn space credits. Not that she really needed them since Gandrayda could literally become a hat or a pair of expensive shoes if she wanted, but her parents wanted her to know the value of good-old fashion work. It wasn't something she minded, considering she could shapeshift into a hulking form to easily take care of it, the main problem was how it was incredibly boring and it didn't pay really well enough. Why just earn a few space credits when she could do so many other things? She felt underused. Unappreciated. There were already troubles on the horizons as she took to pranking to pass the time. For someone as brilliant and as great as her, there had to be a much better job. She thought about going into modeling (for obvious reasons) when...

She found out her mom and dad's little dirty secret that would change her life forever. They weren't just space miners who worked with their kid. They also were bounty hunters that happened to have the Galactic Federation as a client. It took Gandrayda...oh all of about a month to find this out after her first step into mining. She was so happy...if she only knew what that meant. Fourteen year old immature brats didn't understand the implications of universal balance and preservation. Well, they told her, she could find out very soon as they had been hired to infiltrate a space pirate base, and, being the wonderful parents that they were, she was going to brought along so she could see if she liked it at all.

Gandraya was instantly hooked. The life of danger, the near calls of death, the fighting, finally her powers getting recognized and used for something other than moving space rocks. Needless to say, her life as a miner was over, and she insisted on becoming a bounty hunter as soon as possible. She was extremely lucky in that age was not a determining factor if you could do things well, and very soon (thanks to her parent's contacts), Gandraya was working odd jobs and infiltration missions on her own.

This wasn't to say that she was always welcomed. Her attitude tended to precede her, and it was common for the Galactic Federation to get complaints about one of their bounty hunters causing trouble in the ranks. But she was good. Really good. So good that sometimes the names Samus Aran and Gandrayda were spoken in a single sentence. Not much but. Once or twice. Thus a lot of times, those complains were listened to and silently filed, Gandraya given a small lecture, but left to her own devices. But this Samus Aran, in her, Gandrayda found competition. She envied her. Wanted to be better than her. Even if they did not meet for about a year and half from then, she decided that the other bounty hunter would be her chief rival. Why go for bottom tier when you can aim that high. It didn't work as much has she liked, however (Ps - if you had asked her, she totally would have taken care of Zebes much faster, thank you very much). So, her life of bounty hunter continued in a somewhat relatively peaceful manner for the next six years, up until a near-fatal mission.

Called aboard the G.F.S Olympus with a very hefty sum of money promised for a successful mission that could hang the very balance of humanity and the Galactic Federation itself (….again), Gandrayda found herself working with Ghor, Rundas and her favorite person in the universe ever, Sammy. There was some sort of virus infecting Aurora units, possibly emitting from Pirate origin. Oh boy, pirates! Gandrayda's favorite guys to shoot IN THE HEAD. Except they were going to be glorified vaccine nurses, going to each organic A.I unit to administer a cure. Of course what really caught Gandrayda's attention was the order of investigating about pirate activity. She was good at blending in with the crowd.

As Dane finished his speech, the ship's status suddenly went Red, and space pirates warped out of a space hole and headed for Sector Zero on planet Norion, the nearby planet's home base. NEW MISSION; aid ground troops, protect the base, restore the generators, and kick some pirate ass. ALRIGHT!

Gandrayda wasted no time, aiding the ship but mainly getting to Norion to blend with the pirates who had already landed. It didn't take too long for Samus to show up where Gandrayda had hidden herself, (near Generator C) and she suddenly turns on them, as they are surprised one of their own is attacking. Once they are dead, she transforms back to her normal form and tells Sammy, she's not a fan of pirate colors or getting generators back online. Of course Sammy, being Samus, will do that job for her, right? (What a douche).

As that gigantic ship thing gets closer, the clock starts ticking and they only have a few minutes until it hits the planet's atmosphere. The rest of the gang waits for Samus to show up at the Control Tower (stop being so fashionably late, Sammy), so they can activate the canon to destroy the approaching Leviathan...

Only it does not go as smoothly as they hoped, as the are attacked by a Phazon entity, Dark Samus, who infects them all with phazon in their bodies. Gandrayda is one of the first to wake up, finding she has a suit put over her to help control the fact her body is now self-creating Phazon. After a few tests, she is sent to the Pirate Homeworld to find answers to the millions of questions the Federation is now asking.

Once she gets there, she feels her mind starting to slip...right until a moment when...she completely blanks out.

In the world of Smash Academy, a comet falls from the sky, and crashes into the nearby forest. It is Gandrayda, who is unconscious from the trip that brought her here. Since Phaze has long been destroyed by Aran in this universe, the trip causes the phazon in her to melt and dissipate, and a confused and weakened bioform awakes to faces looking down at her.

Eventually events would follow, and she would enroll and get a job at the Academy. First time in school, wooooh!

Anything Else?:
This is pretty much who Gandrayda is. She can assume the forms and abilities of most living things, including creatures much larger than herself. The drawback is that whatever form she takes, she will also have the same weakness - if she was to turn into a dark Pokemon, for example, she would be weak against Bug and Fighting types.
Any and all transformations will be double (and tripled checked) with the people involved, considering how powerful it can be.
She can make a forcefield appear around herself, created with what I assume to be a mixture of telekinesis and lightening.
In her of her natural (or what is assumed to be) form, Gandrayda barely weights anything. This leads to her being extremely agile, running at high speeds and jumping incredibly high.
Aren't transformation abilities awesome?
As I have said before, anything involving Gandrayda's shapeshifting abilities will be checked with any parties involved.

ooc, apps

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