So, of course, I got the Orange Box last night. Well, yesterday afternoon really, but I was doing some work and didn’t get a chance to play until the evening. The box isn’t just a standard orange either, it’s a bright safety orange. After spending over 10 hours with the game last night I’m sure of one thing: were this just HL2, HL2 Episode 1 and HL2 Episode 2 this would be an amazing deal. But no, absolutely not, they couldn’t leave well-enough alone. Valve decided to make the best game package and deal _ever_, with some of the best representation from three distinct genres: Action (HL2), Puzzle (Portal), and Team Tactical (Team Fortress 2). Sure they all use the first person perspective, but Valve really is the state of the medium when it comes to presentation, narrative and execution..... Click to follow to original.