OOC: new canon discussion, and how we're gonna fuck with it in milliways

Sep 29, 2005 11:56

Tahiri-mun: 'sup
Tahiri-mun: omg TUQ
Jaina-mun: omg did you finish?
Tahiri-mun: not yet
Tahiri-mun: just finished the EVIL PREEMPTIVE ATTACK ONNA CHISS
Jaina-mun: dude
Jaina-mun: that scene
Jaina-mun: was just
Jaina-mun: omg
Tahiri-mun: yes
Tahiri-mun: dude
Jaina-mun: and jaina and jacen
Jaina-mun: dude
Tahiri-mun: Jacen is starting to piss me off
Jaina-mun: yeah
Jaina-mun: although honestly, i wouldn't mind all the killiks being wiped out at this point (or at least unuthul)
Jaina-mun: but still, he's going very overboard with all this.
Tahiri-mun: neither would I
Tahiri-mun: but yeah... I mean for reals
Tahiri-mun: he's LYING to his friends!
Jaina-mun: and his SISTER!
Jaina-mun: he's using all of them
Tahiri-mun: YES
Tahiri-mun: just like Kyp used Jaina during the war
Jaina-mun: poor girl keeps getting used
Jaina-mun: seriously, i don't blame her for being furious with him. she got betrayed, again, and this time by jacen of all people.
Tahiri-mun: you'd think people would know better than to do her like that by now
Jaina-mun: yeah
Tahiri-mun: asscaps, all of them
Tahiri-mun: and omg, Han and Luke as Joiners
Jaina-mun: are adorable
Jaina-mun: although they're not full joiners, right?
Tahiri-mun: omgomg. probably the closest Han will ever get to being a Jedi
Jaina-mun: hahaha yessss
Tahiri-mun: no, I think they're sorta like Tahiri and the other Jedi in the whole Joiner-scale
Jaina-mun: okay
Jaina-mun: that's what i figured
Tahiri-mun: yeah
Jaina-mun: not full omg we're bugs jaina and zekk joiners
Jaina-mun: who are SCARY by the way.
Tahiri-mun: and dude, who's this new Bothan fleet commander?
Jaina-mun: i don't know
Jaina-mun: but gavin :D
Tahiri-mun: he just came out of nowhere and is all "omg me >>>> thrawn omg"
Tahiri-mun: hahah, Gavin kicks ass
Tahiri-mun: Cooooommadore
Jaina-mun: i love my farmboy
Jaina-mun: hahaha, yess. damn bothan egos.
Jaina-mun: but he does the right things at the end, so i'll give him credit for that
Tahiri-mun: and omg, you know how people are bringing their pups into Milliways but like, 25 years too old?
Jaina-mun: yeah
Jaina-mun: like from the future?
Tahiri-mun: yeah
Tahiri-mun: we should totally bring Jaina and Tahiri in at the ages of like, 12 and 9 sometime
Jaina-mun: hahahaha
Tahiri-mun: YJK/JJK era
Jaina-mun: omg
Jaina-mun: that would rock
Jaina-mun: i would have to skim through a yjk book first
Tahiri-mun: >:D
Jaina-mun: but hahaha, so there
Tahiri-mun: just one day when we're bored out of our minds or something
Jaina-mun: it would be fun if we brought in zekk and jag from that time period too
Tahiri-mun: omg tiny Jag
Jaina-mun: mmhmm. although we'd need them all out of bar so there aren't two versions running around in there.
Tahiri-mun: yeah
Tahiri-mun: but dude, I COULD MAKE ATINY JAG
Jaina-mun: i would die at tiny jag
Jaina-mun: i think this is a plan we must do
Tahiri-mun: yesssss
Jaina-mun: maybe if we bring them out at all to go through tuq we could do it then
Tahiri-mun: omg, I want to say we should do it for all of the SW pups one day
Jaina-mun: hahahaha
Tahiri-mun: just have like, all these 10 year olds running around
Jaina-mun: that would be hot
Tahiri-mun: or maybe get someone to magic them into kids...
Jaina-mun: there was talk of something like that in ways back room
Tahiri-mun: like, someone gets pissed at them and turns them into children or something
Tahiri-mun: yeah?
Jaina-mun: a potion or something - hold on, let me see if i can find link
Tahiri-mun: ok
Jaina-mun: so you're almost done with book then, huh?
Tahiri-mun: http://www.livejournal.com/userpic/32155884/2124845
Jaina-mun: http://www.livejournal.com/community/ways_back_room/1461265.html
Tahiri-mun: yeah, almost done
Jaina-mun: hee, great icon
Tahiri-mun: oooo, I remember that post!
Jaina-mun: yeah
Tahiri-mun: maybe we should bring it up again?
Jaina-mun: maybe
Jaina-mun: or tag to that post asking if it's still going to go down?
Jaina-mun: only thing is that they only ACT like children, they still look the same
Tahiri-mun: oh, damn
Jaina-mun: you wnat them actually turned into children, right?
Tahiri-mun: I was rather looking for *looking* like kids too
Tahiri-mun: yeah
Tahiri-mun: it means omg no scars for Tahiri
Jaina-mun: cool
Jaina-mun: i'd totally be up for turning them into kids for a day
Jaina-mun: or teens or something. like 14 year old jaina that just arrived at the jedi academy
Tahiri-mun: I'd have a 9 year old Tahiri, fresh at the academt
Jaina-mun: zekk would be 17 and living on coruscant with peckhum
Tahiri-mun: she could meet Jaina and be all "omg, anakin's sister! LET'S BE BEST FRIENDS"
Jaina-mun: hahaha, that would be so much fun
Tahiri-mun: omg, Zekk was 17 when he first got to the academy?
Jaina-mun: zekk's like three years older than them, right?
Tahiri-mun: I don't know... damn
Jaina-mun: so yeah, he was 17 with shadow academy and everything
Tahiri-mun: I didn't think they were that old back then
Tahiri-mun: how 'bout that
Jaina-mun: heh
Jaina-mun: we could do younger
Tahiri-mun: dammit, I still need to contact Anakin-mun
Jaina-mun: hahaha, yeah
Jaina-mun: so let's see. we have tuq and general plot stuff to figure out. this mini!pup thing. what else?
Tahiri-mun: I dunno
Tahiri-mun: I think that's it
Jaina-mun: okay
Tahiri-mun: I'm thinking about what Tahiri's been up to in the past year
Tahiri-mun: since obviously she didn't go back to Zonama Sekot
Jaina-mun: jaina and zekk have probably been doing jedi stuff
Tahiri-mun: JZ have been piratechasing, no?
Jaina-mun: yep
Jaina-mun: i wouldn't be surprised if they spent the whole year doing that
Tahiri-mun: yeah
Tahiri-mun: Tahiri, on the other hand... hasn't got a Master as far as I can tell, and doesn't really have a partner in any other sense
Jaina-mun: she could've been randomly assigned to other jedi
Tahiri-mun: or she might, but Denning doesn't care about her enough to say ;___;
Jaina-mun: well, think of gaps as a place where we can fill in our own stuff! i have NO idea on how jaina feels about anything but the killiks and jacen, so it gives me lots of space to fit in millicanon
Tahiri-mun: random assignations are cool... I would say that she asked Corran to be her Master again, but when he was nominated head of the Order, there was no mention of their relationship
Jaina-mun: doesn't mean it wasn't there
Tahiri-mun: true, but... I just didn't get the feeling that he had any padawan at all. Though maybe I can fuck with that and insert one
Jaina-mun: yeah. i mean, we're already fucking with other parts of the book, right?
Tahiri-mun: mmm, bookfuckery. Yeah
Jaina-mun: like jaina/jag. no mention of that in tuq, but we need to figure out where to take it in milliways
Jaina-mun: you're not the only one who hasn't gotten the book yet. there are others.
Tahiri-mun: yeah... I'd like it if they continued to see each other after Mways, but... it looks like there ain't NOBODY communicating with the Chiss on anything
Jaina-mun: they could've done it on a secret basis
Tahiri-mun: mmm, yes. Kind of like Anakin and Padme?
Jaina-mun: yes. that could work.
Jaina-mun: jz were off chasing pirates. i'm sure they'd totally be able to fit something in there so jaina could mainting her relationship with jag
Jaina-mun: and secret keeping seems very popular in the gffa at the moment
Tahiri-mun: hmmm, yes
Tahiri-mun: could she keep the secret from Zekk?
Jaina-mun: not zekk. everyone else, yes. but i think zekk would have to know.
Tahiri-mun: okay
Jaina-mun: but i don't think zekk would betray jaina's confidence.
Tahiri-mun: we should do OOMs of them in like, secret cantinas and crap XD
Jaina-mun: haha, we should XD
Tahiri-mun: and hiding in dark alleys
Jaina-mun: i think i'd die
Jaina-mun: dark alleys? XD
Tahiri-mun: and omg "knock three times and tell them Joe sent you"
Tahiri-mun: all this film noir cloak and dagger shit XD
Jaina-mun: hahahaha
Tahiri-mun: AND JAG
Tahiri-mun: ...
Jaina-mun: ...
Tahiri-mun: :D
Jaina-mun: i totally think one or two oom would be fun
Tahiri-mun: oh yessss
Jaina-mun: really tie in that they're doing things over the year this time - all of them
Tahiri-mun: and they must have a secret code
Jaina-mun: maybe jaina, zekk, and tahiri could even go on a mission together
Tahiri-mun: "Meet you at the Shrimp Farm in an hour"
Jaina-mun: with omg special guest lowbacca or something
Jaina-mun: YESSSSS XD
Tahiri-mun: oooo, mission omg
Jaina-mun: shrimp farm = <3
Jaina-mun: we would have to set up the jaina/jag secret meeting thing while they're still in milliways though. have them establish with each other that they're going to keep meeting or whatever despite what's going on.
Tahiri-mun: mmm, good idea

Jaina-mun: anyway, let's see. we have mission oom, j/j oom to show what's done over the year. some things will require set up in milliways before we send them back.
Jaina-mun: then the question is, where do we bring them in from?

Aaaand we'll pick up there once I get back from class.
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