**Scattered throughout the cosmosNetherworld, Yoyo's managed to put up SEVERAL new murals this week. Most of which have been place in no particular location, but, much to the dismay of a certain maid, each has been blessed, thanks to Urd, and can't be removed by any of your conventional means. I won't say it's totally irremovable, but, it's a daunting task.
If you're one of the girls he put on hold (Etna/Raspberyl) now's your time to NAG HIM LOTS**
Mariya. And Yoyo doesn't know it's a trap!
Reisen. He thought the rainbow hair would be more artistic.
Tsuruya. The text reads 'megas' since she was saying that a lot.
Urd. Text reads '2nd class Goddess; 1st class hotness
Tenshi. Specifically requested to be painted over the door of the Dark Assembly. Apparently, that's supposed to be her doing a 'holy symbol'
((Also taking this time to go on hiatus until Nov 1, after convention time! (Onicon)