(no subject)

Nov 25, 2007 13:20

1. The past few weeks were so tiring I spent most of the weekend asleep. I woke up at 11 on Friday, went out to breakfast, then took a nap when I got back home. After dinner, I fell asleep in front of the TV. Yesterday I think I was awake for maybe 8 hours. This would be more fun if I didn't have a paper to write, and if I wasn't feeling so crappy when awake (I have a cold and yesterday I also had a splitting headache).

2. I didn't post about it, but after a tough time my beloved basketball team crushed the Russian Kazan 106-67. There's a home game tonight, on Tuesday, and on Saturday. I'm very excited, and I'm hoping the new energy level sticks.

3. Everyone in my office is out to lunch, and they left the radio on with some guy yelling about something. It is very annoying. I am waiting to have lunch with someone who is stuck in a meeting.

4. Starting tomorrow we are all obligated to fill in some time allocation test for the American government (you were probably forced to do that if you every worked in an American non profit). For an entire week, I will have to account for all my office time in 15 minute increments. I wonder how I should classify LJ and Facebook? Probably both fall under Management & Administration (as do all types of breaks).

5. There were two earthquakes in the past week. I slept through Friday's one (see no. 1), but the one on Tuesday was while I was at work, and in our 4th floor office it was very noticeable. Although at first it felt like someone was kicking my chair, the falling paperwork soon proved otherwise.

6. It's COLD out. I know the Israeli version of cold is different than in other places, but since the tenants association has yet to turn the heating on properly, it is definitely cold in anyone's standards indoors.

7. Apparently my feet has high arches. In fact, according to the specialist guy, they're high among the high arches. Plaster models of my feet are on their way to California as we speak to create corrective insoles for this. Also, apparently a low heel is much preferable to a very flat shoe for me.

rambling, work, rl

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