[Orific] The Princess and I - Chapter 1

Feb 23, 2010 22:48

Title: The Princess and I
Rating: T
Word Count: 6,992
Settings: Ancient Tarumanagara, West Java and Srivijaya, Sumatra
Characters: Dapunta Hyang Sri Jayanaga, Sobakancana
Notes: This is my very first attempt on historical romance. I have done research, but the depiction throughout the story might not be 100% accurate. Please note that this is basically ( Read more... )

sobakancana, jayanaga, fiction, sriwijaya, original

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Comments 9

lilac_ayame February 23 2010, 16:09:06 UTC
Yay! You're the first from both of us to make an original fic! Why don't you publish it when it's done, I mean, in paper :D

And you told me I made long sentences (paragraph)... You did the same, really. *rolls eyes*

So the title ends up into the Princess and I huh? Sounds like a teen flick, which's a bit an understatement I think.

Well, hope you'll get to complete this fic, same with me here.


shapby February 23 2010, 16:45:38 UTC
Hah! Don't blame me for the title. Blame it on my brain. xDDD~ Had a lapse earlier uring the frantic search of titles, and came up with that very desperate one.

And yes, do I ever want to finish this fic to the very end. T_T Let me picture Jayanaga forming Sriwijaya~~~


a comment anonymous February 25 2010, 11:27:45 UTC
this is Sapphire09 speaking ^^ (yeah, I don't have any LJ account. Sad, huh?)

There's a problem in the download... so I guess I just read the one you posted here.

so, I've read this, and I think it was a pretty good story. I rarely see (and really rarely) a story that used a historical (Indonesian History, I may add) twist like this, and turned out very promising.

Ah, sisanya pake bahasa daerah ja, ya ? :)

pokoknya, ceritamu tuh cukup bagus. Aku suka (meskipun aku sendiri ga tau apa-apa tentang sejarah jawa. pas pelajaran sejarah di sekolah juga paling tidur) >.>;

Tapi, seenggaknya aku tau timeline-nya kapan, dan nama-nama character-nya cukup familiar . Gini-gini, ak masih tau dikit-dikitlah (kalo nggak, mana mungkin aku bisa naik kelas...)

Yah, intinya, aku suka cerita ini.

I wonder if you'll post another chapter... I would love to see how this goes (that is, if this is not a oneshot).


Re: a comment shapby February 25 2010, 13:37:10 UTC
Ah, link donlotnya gw tambah satu... kalo masih error, bilang aja yak... rugi banget kalo ga donlot, soalnya kalo prolognya doang pendek banget xDDD

I know~! Emang jarang kan teenlit/chiclit yg pake tema sejarah lokal? xDDD~ pengennya sih sejarahnya enteng2 aja, jadi yah rada2 ngaco2 dikit sih...

It's definitely not a one-shot. I'll post some more... soon. I hope. When I get the muse. Boleh dong minta kawan-kawan Sapphy read & review jg... lagi pengen minta pendapat orang2 nih...

Thx for reviewing~!


teruame February 26 2010, 22:07:10 UTC
Well, this story seems quite interesting, alright. ;)I would definitely not mind reading more of it, and I do have to say...your prose works very well, and you have quite a skill with giving emotions into your words. Very nicely done!

Keep it up! I'd like to see this idea expanded. ;D


shapby February 27 2010, 03:34:55 UTC
Hi there, Teruame! I've seen you several times on LJ, through the comments you post on Audriel's fics...

>_< Thank you for reading and reviewing~! I pestered Audriel to promote my story, and I guess you're one of her target victims... Thank you once again ^^~


lilac_ayame February 27 2010, 07:47:17 UTC
Haha teruame is that nice. I don't need to pester her that much, I simply need to give her the link, and she'd give it a try.


a comment again~ anonymous February 27 2010, 13:56:03 UTC
Okay, this is Sapphire09 speaking (again).

Dah ku download n' kubaca, dan sekarang aku bener-bener penasaran ma kelanjutannya! Ceritanya bener-bener kerasa...

yah, cuma mw bilang itu aj sih... kan klo yg sbelumnya aku blum baca total, bru yg prolog doang ^_^


Re: a comment again~ shapby February 27 2010, 13:59:57 UTC
waaahh, tengkyuuu banget udah mau ngedonlot, baca, dan reviewwww... xDDD~ ntar gw kabarin lagi kalo mau gw updet lagi... thx banget yak...


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