LaBelle School Bus Crash- Two Injuries 15:15 Shaon so guys
15:15 Shaon I was in a car accident today
15:16 AmzRigh I heard D:
15:16 Jackalope Holy crud. What happened?
15:16 Shaon okay so like
15:16 Shaon I was rockin out on the bus this morning
15:16 Shaon listening to a cover of Here Is The News
15:16 Shaon and then towards the end
15:16 Shaon WHAM
15:16 Shaon suddenly I'm a foot where I was before
15:17 Shaon it was like the bus went over a speedbump too fast
15:17 Shaon except we stopped
15:17 Fox_Knox dang
15:17 Shaon first thing I noticed is that a) the person behind me is screaming curses like nothing else
15:18 Shaon b) my music is gone :(
15:18 Shaon c) where the hell are my glasses
15:18 Shaon so my first thing I say after the accident are the ever-cliche
15:19 Shaon this senior behind me is like "got them, here you go" and I found out that they were completely unharmed despite somehow ending up next to me in the aisle
15:20 Shaon another kid was like "CALM DOWN DUDE" at the guy going like "HOLY GOD CHRIST LADY WHAT IS YOUR EFFING PROBLEM"
15:20 Shaon except a ton more profane
15:20 Shaon and the bus driver is like "uh, get off in a single-file line..." really quiet-like
15:21 Shaon and we get off in a single-file line because I guess we were all too rattled to screw around
15:21 Shaon it's about here where I notice a) the tree and b) the smoke
15:22 Shaon apparently my bus driver rammed into a tree and I was shaking like hell and got off the bus
15:22 Shaon first thing I thought
15:22 Shaon "oh, I have a cell phone"
15:22 Claremonster HAHA
15:22 Jackalope LAWL
15:22 Fox_Knox heheh
15:22 Fox_Knox I'm glad you're ok :3
15:23 Shaon so I send some twitter messages pretty accurately describing my state of being
15:24 Shaon and then the teachers (because, well, we crashed ten feet away from an elementary school) were like "IF YOU HAVE ANY SORT OF INJURY, TELL US NOW."
15:25 Shaon and, well, I slammed into the seat in front of me and my shins stung like hell from it and my neck felt pretty numb from SEAT TO FACE
15:25 Shaon so I was like "uh, I scraped my leg"
15:26 Shaon so they pull me out of the group and sat me next to the kid bleeding heavily from the forehead and the kid spitting blood
15:26 Fox_Knox D:
15:26 Fox_Knox :(
15:26 Shaon and this entire time I'm talking to my mom over texts
15:27 Shaon "hey mom my bus hit a tree and crashed I just thought you should know"
15:27 Shaon "R U KIDDING"
15:28 Shaon and after that these kids borrowed my phone to notify their mom
15:28 Shaon and I was talking to the kid with the headwound
15:28 Shaon he was shaken up really bad
15:29 Shaon he confessed a fear of both blood and needles
15:29 Shaon he was cold so I lent him my snow wood hoodie
15:30 Fox_Knox mhm
15:30 Shaon and felt kind of badass because I just lent my fangamer jacket to a kid
15:30 Fox_Knox hehehe
15:32 Shaon he was a pretty cool kid. He was in the middle school (there were four injured kids total, and three of them were middle schoolers: they're assigned to the front half of the bus. Coincidence?) and said it was kind of poetic justice, because he felt sick and didn't want to go to school today
15:33 Shaon I mentioned that I had midterms today (which I did, and totally aced) so it was kind of awesome that I might miss them
15:34 Shaon Meanwhile EMS finally got here and basically doted over him, bandaging his head and making sure he's okay because, well, he's the worst off of all of us
15:35 Shaon I mean I had a scrape on my leg, that's worth like nothing
15:35 Shaon so anyway he goes with his dad to the hospital and I'm lead to the class where all the other kids are at
15:35 Shaon and we basically sit there and talk about what the hell just happened and how awesome it was that we're probably missing midterms
15:36 Shaon also found out that one of the stops on our route was 20 feet away from the crash site
15:36 Shaon so a bunch of kids WITNESSED THIS
15:36 Shaon and freaked out so bad
15:36 Shaon and they were with us
15:37 Shaon and man, I think it'd be worse to witness this than to actually be in the accident
15:37 Fox_Knox yeah mabe
15:37 Fox_Knox maybe
15:37 Fox_Knox unless you were the kid with the head injury
15:38 Shaon so they get me to call my mom and I do and she arrives (with my grandfather and my dog for some reason)
15:39 Shaon and this pretty awesome state trooper shows up and gets information from all the kids
15:39 Shaon and my mom drives me to school
15:39 Shaon apparently after I left all the other kids got free food :C
15:40 AmzRigh Laaaame
15:40 Fox_Knox :C
15:40 AmzRigh Just leave you without free food :(
15:41 Fox_Knox I'd get you some food Shaon :3
15:41 Shaon so anyway, my first car accident only ended with me with some pretty unawesome bruises on my neck (hurts to look up) and some cross between a scraped shin and a bruise on both my legs
15:41 Fox_Knox well I'm glad nothing serious happened to ya :D
15:41 Shaon yeah, so am I
15:42 Fox_Knox hehe
15:42 Fox_Knox hugs Shaon
15:42 Shaon also the kid with the headwound was the younger brother of the kid behind me who was flipping out
15:42 Fox_Knox ah
15:43 Shaon oh man and apparently the high school didn't know what happened other than some kids were going to be late
15:43 Shaon I told the office and they were like WHAT.
15:43 Shaon anyway MY STORY IS OVER
15:44 Claremonster with as much meaning as I can muster, Shaon, I say
15:44 Claremonster "cool story, bro"