What's That Smell?

May 25, 2010 17:17

Continuing with the journeys of a grindcore band from the depths of the filthy womb of the Hostile City, Fuck Face headed down to Maryland this past Saturday.  It was a sort of a teaser show for the Maryland Death Fest that is happening this weekend, so obviously there was much excitement.  This would be my third trip to the Old Line State, and we still have yet to invade Baltimore proper, but I have no doubt that will happen soon.

Headed out to the subway somewhere in the late afternoon, expecting the dreary, looming clouds above to attack me with rain at any moment.  Stopped at Walgreens for a drink and snack, and also so I could get change for the subway.  The cashier got distracted by my wig and asked if I was going to a tropical-themed party.  [This is why I need to start carrying business cards.]

Cue the long ride on the Orange Line and ignoring people who are pointing and laughing.  Seriously, I can see and hear you, particularly since you are right in front of my face.  There is a thing called manners, not to mention that handy little internal monologue where you can vent anything you want.  It is not worth wasting my time on ignorant knuckleheads, even tho every now and then it would give me quite the thrill to put them in their place.  Perhaps Casey had the right idea.  Suit up with tribal-based body modifications and go feral.  Roam the streets and take out everyone who does not deserve to be here.  How enjoyable it would be to peel some people's faces off and wear them like the masks they are.

Met up with Dirt outside FYE and was happy to see that the clouds were disappearing as we wandered and decided on what to eat.  Landed at this pizza shop we hit up when we saw TFD play at the Broad Street Ministry.  Yes, that is correct.  A church hosted a grindcore band with 'fuck' in its name.  One of the many reasons I love this city.

Hopped in a cab to save time and arrived in South Philly.  A moment after we get out, Dirt is yelling "Yo fuck face!" down the street in greeting to Mike, and the three of us walk down to Walt's house.  Chilled on the steps to enjoy the setting sun while Dirt and Mike attended to band business.  [As usual, we were waiting on the arrival of Bob.]  Eventually went in and helped prepare some demos.  Then Bob was there and equipment was loaded into his truck.

Dirt and myself got to ride with Walt in his new SUV, which I have to say is far more comfortable than his other vehicle.  We are Fuck Face; we ride in pimpin' style.

It was a nice drive down to Maryland, with no traffic to really speak of, other than what one might find on any ordinary highway.  Those heading in the opposite direction were less fortunate.  Smoked a bowl as we drove thru Delaware and were grooving on that when a strange odor crept in.  There are a number of things it did not smell like, so it was hard trying to figure out exactly what it was and where it might be coming from.  We thought maybe it was our vehicle, then maybe exhaust from the tractor trailers.  It would be stronger at some moments than others, and over all was really unpleasant.  Then we see this fan with a billow of blue smoke trailing behind it.  Why do people abuse their automobiles in such a way?  Obviously there is something wrong, so pull over and take care of it...or leave the vehicle at home.

That was pretty much the 'worst' thing that happened all nite, and made for some entertainment.

The three of us walked into the venue and were immediately hand-stamped.  No hassle for ID or entrance fee.  A band girlfriend could get used to this kind of royal treatment.  *haha*  Walt definitely had the munchies, as I watched eat two bowls of soup and a bowl of shrimp.  Then again, I got hungry myself after our first round of dollar Natty Bo's and snacked on some chicken tenders.  [Which would go nicely with the tuna and bacon club sandwich I had earlier].  Did I mention that beer was only one dollar?  Not being a beer snob or feeling as tho 'the hard stuff' is the way to go, I will have no shame going for the affordable beverage.

Overlea Station is a pretty cool venue; lots of bar space and seating with enough room left for the bands to play.  There were definitely a lot of people there as well, with several other bands that were set to play that evening.  Pretty much spent our time watching the other bands, drinking Natty Bo and occasionally going outside for fresh air.  Crept around this overgrown alley that led out of the parking lot to smoke a bowl.

Dirt and Mike having a smoke outside.

Mandatory bathroom self-portrait.

As a small note, I am certainly getting use out of the black/orange wig.  Even tho I am sure people think it's a Halloween wig [no...I make my own and use high quality materials, thanks].  Or that I am a fan of the Flyers, since their colors are black/orange.  Really just wanted to try something else beside red or blue, and of course enjoy getting use out of the coordinating hair flowers, not to mention the challenge of utilizing orange eyeshadow.

Where was I again?  Ah yes...rocking out in Maryland.  Was given the duty of being behind the video camera, which I have to say is an honor.  People do not easily trust others with expensive personal equipment.  Also have been wanting to expand my band documentary, so felt it was the right opportunity to do so.  However, the batteries died just as I was getting into it and filming Walt as he assaulted the drums.  It was pretty funny; I was taking pictures and shooting video at the same time.

It was cool to see a group of guys watching Walt.  Maybe they were looking for triggers?  No fakeness here, kids.  He's just that good.  There was one dude in the audience wearing an awesome Cocaine Fiends t-shirt who loved the wiener poop sample from South Park.  While some people depend on sampling to deliver what they obviously lack in, Dirt has hand-selected each one as a companion to the Fuck Face song that either proceeds or follows it.  Sometimes they get lost during the set, what with the immense noise the band can put out, so it's always nice to see that people get amped b/c they recognize the sample or its source.

As usual, a selection from the photographs taken during the set.

Spitting fire and still playing the drums.

The coordinating camouflage pants was totally accidental, but very hilarious.

Come for the grind; stay for the chainsaw mayhem.

The guy with the dreads and glasses is Eric, who is responsible for inviting Fuck Face to bring the grind.  Really awesome dude, and I hope to work with him at some point in the future. Also wanted to note that Mike had a great Murder Junkies clown t-shirt, and that watching people attack each other with a chainsaw [minus the blood, guts and dying] was definitely the highlight of the evening.

More bands, more Natty Bo and random conversation with this guy who liked my hair later, we were ready to go.  Not to mention that Dirt had work the next day and needed some kind of sleep.  There was some post-show chatting in the parking lot with Eric and this guy from one of the other bands.  His girl was a complete mess, puking on the asphalt, failing at walking and eventually laid down on the ground.  Some chicks just can't handle their alcohol.  Which is why I will always choose to drink and stay classy instead of making a public spectacle out of myself.  There is no pride in that, just the endless glory of being mocked by those who can see how truly pathetic it is.

Our journey back was pretty interesting, considering Walt had to struggle to keep himself awake.  Then again, I was tired myself and wound up passing out for most of the trip.  Woke up once when he stopped for some Monster, and eventually roused myself when we were back in Philly.  After the unloading of the band equipment and dropping off Mike at his place, it was after four in the a.m. by the time Dirt and got in bed.  He was definitely late for work that day.  *heh*

Absolutely thrilled that Fuck Face is going to be playing a show with Shat some time this Summer.  Shat is one of the few hardcore bands I had the pleasure of seeing when I still lived in Jersey.  They did a few pre-holiday anti-xmas shows at Connections up in Clifton with George Is Dead.  The first one I ever went to was due to the fact that a friend of mine who worked at Vintage Vinyl also played drums for GID.  Was dating a total asshole at the time, who not only wanted to control me, but would give me shit for any music I liked that either wasn't his or didn't fit his taste.  So I went to the shows alone to enjoy something new, and I have to say I'm glad I did.  George, who did vocals for GID, was certainly an impressive front man and channeled GG Allin quite well.  Shat was just pure amusement.  They came out in 'dirty' adult diapers, and one guy had a dildo mohawk glued to a helmet and strapped to his head.  You know that's going to be interesting on some level.

To get to the point, I suggested to Dirt some months ago that Fuck Face should play a show [or several] with Shat.  Both bands certainly have a similar sound musically speaking, and their content of the songs certainly go together.  Recently I discovered that this will in fact be a reality, as the drummer for Self-Medicated is also in Shat, and SM did a show with Fuck Face back in October for the release of Aesthetic Evolution.  So I not only get to support my boys, but I also get to enjoy a band I have not seen in several years.  The joy overfloweth.

Next Fuck Face Adventure: MOJO 13

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My Penis Burns
It Was Wiener Poop
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