And it all goes downhill from here

Dec 15, 2009 22:41

Growing up, Dad didn't let us watch TV. I grew up watching an ecleltic mix of B grade 80's sci fi and fantasy movies, Star Wars, MGM musicals and old Disney. I never really saw the need to watch TV. Movies were so much better.

Then...I went off to college, and was gifted with a LABTOP!!! And before I knew it, I was hooked to TV on the internet.

I watched OTH, and Dawson's Creek. Without a Trace and Grey's. Criminal Minds and ER.

The reason for this odd rant? I was watching season 3 of ER and the theme song came up. You all know the one. You watch Carter look dejected and Benton doing the iconic yes move. You see Dr. Greene, being Dr. Greene.

And that is when I wondered...what the f*** has happened to TV? Most shows on TV are crap. I will admit there are exceptions (supernatural for one) but what happened?

Where is my Mark Greene, the one who will make everything better? Where is my Abby Lockhart and John Carter, two friends who's timing never worked out for them (I refuse to watch anything past season 9) but who were there for each other no matter what?

Where is the great Brooke and Haley on OTH? Season three was the greatest for me, and then it went downhill. Peyton and Lucas? WTF. The way they destroyed Brooke was not right, and the creaters continue to do so. I honestly did not watch one episode of season 6.

I guess this rant is more on fond memories of past shows. I will admit Glee makes me smile, and Gossip Girl was great last season with the emotional angst of Chuck and Blair, I guess I'm waiting for a switch to turn on and these shows to get better. To no longer be mediocre.

Is that too much to ask?
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