Will you all help me?

Feb 26, 2010 19:30

Mission in 26 days...YIPPIE.

Now is when I need your help. For 18 months I will be without TV, and with the exception of email...the internet. So, I will have no idea what will happen to my fav characters or pairings. If I post something in June/July, will you guys reply so I can hear about what happened in TV land?

The shows I would ask about are:

Grey's Anatomy
Gossip Girl
Smallville (Mostly about Chloe and Oliver)
Make it or Break it
Criminal Minds (major stuff only...like did anyone die)
Bones (Do Angela and Hodgins get back together)

The one tv show I don't want to know about is GLEE. I need to be surprised when I get home.

So do any of you watch these TV shows? And if so, would you tell me what happens if I post a question in June or July. PLEASE!!!
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