Oliver Queen and Chloe Sullivan...Couple 6

Feb 12, 2010 20:23

Lord help me, I seem to be drawn to pairings with handsome rich men ridden with parental issues and women who do not put up with their crap, and are often just as damaged. Wow.

So tonight’s pairing is in honor of a couple that literally took the producers and writers YEARS to become something. Tonight this couple officially and irrevocably became CANNON! Chloe Sullivan and Oliver Queen from SMALLVILLE have finally realized that maybe, just maybe, the person who understood them, who was their friend, may just the perfect person for them.

I loved Oliver and Chloe since I first started watching Smallville. I was just watching clips on Youtube, and I saw this beautiful blonde man being told by a petite pixie that she knew he was Green Arrow and she could help him. Both he and I were dumbfounded. I thought to myself, “And these two characters are not together why?” Oh right, because he was dating her cousin Lois Lane, who as anyone will tell you is the love of Superman’s life.

I patiently waited for the two of them to break up, as so the universe would turn to the Lois and Clark Show (as I have said in earlier pairings, I tend not to go for the pairing that the show demands me too in the first few episodes. For the most part you know that the leads, be it Meredith Grey and Dr. Shepherd, Lois and Clark, Booth and Brennan will eventually end up together. It’s kinda boring) so that Chloe and Oliver would get there shot.

WRONG!!! Instead of putting Chloe with an equal, she was given Jimmy Olsen and Davis Bloom. And Oliver was given Tess. Eye roll.

The reason these two are great together is because of how alike they are. Both are willing to do anything to keep those they love safe. To them, it is not about being heroic, it’s about getting the job done. Yes that might involve “killing” someone who will not be named, or shaking someone so that they are no longer on a path of destruction, but my point is they understand each other. More importantly, they trust each other. A part of Clark will never trust Lois, but with Oliver and Chloe, they already know each other’s worse moments.

I cannot wait to see how they unfold. They totally rock. Excuse me while I go watch the Warrior scene again.

chlollie, 50 days

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