Hello oh blog world,
I wonder if there is ever going to be a time in the future when people will look back on blogging and find it interesting enough to make it into historical books, like text books or the diary of Anne Frank. Speaking of Anne Frank, I once attended a lecture by a man who had been in a concentration camp with her, or so he recalled. It was one of the camps without those infamous ‘showers’, so he said that she probably died of any combination of disease, starvation and/or cold. He said there was only one country in which the Nazis had death camps; all the others were concentration camps (in the style of the ones first built by the British Empire during the Boer War of 1899-1902, according to a documentary I watched on the Boer War).
Anyway, enough on that cheery :-( line of thought. What have I been doing? I went to the cbd yesterday with HissyKitty and met her sister. It was funny because they both were adopted and both have different birth parents but they have a few personality traits in common, which I guess is probably the result of nurture, but the bizarre thing is that they really do look like they could be genetic sisters, as they are both shorties and have the same natural colouring, which I also think is weird, as they are both fair, which is not all that common. She seemed very nice and intelligent. She also seemed older then me although she was younger. This probably had something to do with her having kids and being married. Also, I don’t act my age. When I was doing telephone surveys it was clear to me that age is all in the mind - you act the age you think you should. Like my 74 year old aunty - she thinks she is 27, hence she thinks nothing of getting in the pool and playing pool volleyball with nieces less than half her age. She is single (widowed) now and lives a lifestyle similar to any 30-something single woman. I have a lot of admiration for her.
Anyway, so what else have I been doing? Mum is coming down for the weekend soon and I am very excited about that; it will be fun. It is Hissykitty’s birthday on the 15th and I am organising and planning that; I am also very excited about it. Edels has had a bad back (muscular not skeletal) lately so I have been looking after him a bit. I did some gardening and reclaimed the backyard from the weeds that had bloomed through our concrete yard. Gardening is so satisfying - you clean it up and it stays clean for heaps longer then anywhere else in your house; you take care of it and it grows beautifully; you neglect it and it still grows. I like it a lot. I can see why so many people are into it. I’m back in contact with my American family, which is fun. My Uncle (Dad’s brother) sends me beautiful pictures of the snow around his house in Kansas, among other great pictures. This explains the snowy picture at the end of this post.