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1/2 fevoreish June 18 2009, 07:18:30 UTC
[Heat gives a gasp at the dream. He is completely transfixed from beginning to end.

The first thing that hits him are the emotions. Powerful waves of them. Rage and anger hit him early, rage at Sera's poor strength, at her weakness, confined to a bed. Rage at the man he knew had done it to her - but... how did he know? Who was it? What...?

Something blue, sluggish hit him next. His head and chest burned, he had to squeeze his eyes shut for a moment as nonsensical flashes flitted through his mind. What was a 'doctor'?

And finally... that smile. Sera's smile made just for him and that strange creature. She... liked it? Did she want one?

He remembered that.

His voice came in a low, hoarse gasp.]



2/2 fevoreish June 18 2009, 07:19:46 UTC
I don't understand... what the hell it means...


shanti_shaman June 18 2009, 07:48:11 UTC
[The moment she noticed Heat reaching to take out his Dreamberry from across the room, Sera's breath caught in her throat. She desperately wanted to tell him not to look at it, knowing exactly how much it would effect him, but the words just wouldn't come...

Heat gasped, and suddenly, Sera forced herself to look away. She couldn't bear to watch him while he was forced to finally see all of this. If only she knew how to block it from some people... but no. He had a right to know who he was... The prospect of it just terrified her for reasons she couldn't explain. What if he remembered when...! Wait... Her hands went up to her forehead. There was something she didn't want him to remember, but... She couldn't remember what it was herself!]

Heat... I'm so sorry. It's hard to explain... [Especially to him... But she knew that this had to be much harder for him right now.]


fevoreish June 18 2009, 18:01:47 UTC
[Heat's eye sparked, and for a split second he looked let down as he gazed upon her. She still doesn't trust him enough to talk to him? (You keep hurting her--) But what about her dream? She smiled for him. That had to mean something, even after...]

It doesn't matter. [He urged quickly, maybe a bit too quickly. He didn't understand where these emotions were coming from, why these thoughts and feelings were coming to him so strongly.]

I don't care who I was before I died.

[And yet, Sera knew who he was. And Sera... was close to him, if the dream was a real memory.]


shanti_shaman June 19 2009, 03:39:21 UTC
[She could feel the conflicting emotions coming off of him... He said it didn't matter, but that couldn't be true, could it? At least... If she was in his place, she would care.]

It does matter to me... You always helped me so much. [A guilty feeling crawled up into her chest. Never once had she said "Thank you" to Dr. Heat after he had worked so hard to help keep her safe. Whenever he was working to help her live, she didn't see it as help. All she thought about was how much pain she had to go through. It was normal... All seven year olds don't like going to see the doctor, but by now, she was able to aknowlege just how much he had done for her. She had thanked him for her friend, but not for keeping her alive, probably countless times.]


fevoreish June 19 2009, 05:12:07 UTC
[Heat looks upon her with widened eyes. His breath wouldn't come. She... likes what he's done?

Exhale. His expression returns to a baseline determination.]

I'll help you with anything, Sera.


shanti_shaman June 21 2009, 00:12:23 UTC
[She blinks at him. Oddly enough, his reaction wasn't what she was expecting. For a moment, she almost expected him to yell at her, and tell her that it really didn't matter. She liked this reaction a lot more then the one she had imagined up. She smiled at him.]

I'll always try to help you too, Heat. [They were comrades after all. They would always help each other!]


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