Petalla's supposedly her Marauders' dream team. Hehe. ^_^
You're porbably one of those people that I won't be able to meet in person in this lifetime but... you sure are in my dreams. ;-P. <333!!
I suck at backgrounds still, and the brushes that I've downloaded won't work at PS CS 8.
Hope you like it! *<333333333333333!*
Enjoy all!
Random stuff, don't mind this.
And earlier, while I was rampaging for my little ones lost book, a much needed for her assignment is in there,then I found it! Not the book though. Heh. But Yay! I found the hard copy of Rave's Nightswimming! Thank God, I'm one of those pathetic people who print stuff to have a copy of her favorite stories and read them at her way home. My brother said, I could have it book bind already from the loads of print outs that I have accumulated the past years. Hehe. I'm just kiddy that I found the copy of it. I've been looking for it for four months!
There was this kid, a nine year old, I think, who always stay a few mins looking over in my table, when ever I'm in the shop just to watch me color this, and he would say, "I've seen that one, aren't you finish yet?" I would stop and stare at him. He would simply ignore me and just look at the drawing. "Go on", he would say and I would just bite my lower lip and count. Hehe. But he is right. I've been dawdling in finishing this, everytime I get stuck for like an eternity my and perhaps that kid's eyes. XD. And this is just a simple pose.
Leo teased me that Ewan has a cleft chin sooo...