A couple of random just-now-lists.

Nov 22, 2006 19:23

Just some random stuff, to get out of my system. You don't have to read it, as I don't have a gun to hold against your head.

1. Rape. Seriously, so freaking tired of seeing rape in every newspaper and even here and there in my internet stuff. I'm currently so rape-paranoid, that I even suspect really old guys. WTF is wrong with society if you end up suspecting every male above the age of twelve of being a potential rapist? *fumes*

2. School-stuff. Actually compaired to before, school's feeling great. Except for a couple of minor things, but realy no reason to complain. It's just a part of my overall bad feeling about myself and will probably continue to be so until I finally have way more passed courses than failed or yet-to-pass ones. Like 75-25 % majority.

3. Seasonal darkness. Must 4:30 PM be the same as 4:30 AM? Appearantly around here at this time of year, yes. Darkness, darkness, and yet more darkness! Rise at 8, set at 4. Boy the sun sure is busy this time of year. *grumbles*

4. Harry Potter. Yeah, that's right you heard me. I'm excited and anxious about movie five so much right now. And at the same time, I still... Geh, I dunno. It's just that I'm somewhere in between still enjoying the series and discussions about it, and just forget I ever picked that first book up. (Or well, not the latter, 'cus then I wouldn't have met most of you guys or started a journal.) Meh, it's just I used to kind of look up to Rowling, but then I read HBP, and then in following internet discussions I realise that maybe things weren't as good to begin with.

5. My novel. It's mocking me, I'm sure. It's just that I want to convey certain kind of feelings, that just can't be put into words. Plus, I think I stink at writing the characters for the age I put them in. Of course, it's not like it's law that everyone must act a certain way at a certain age, but I think kids these days are a bit different from when I was that age. Or maybe not. *feels goddamn old*

And for yours and my entertainment:

1. Death Eaters

Has anyone besides me got stuck at several occasions almost obsessing over how stupid that name is? Death is not something that can be eaten. Death is a state that marks the end of life, it's a bit too abstract to be chewed up. I mean, seriously how silly of a name is that? Just because putting death into things traditionally makes it scary (Death Star, Dr. Death) doesn't mean it works with just any word. Is it Rowling's sense of humour, or did she really think that "Death Eater" would work so well? Just take out Death and you get Voldemort leading a therapy group for people with eating disorders.

(Like it wasn't humiliating enough to be led by a guy whose name no one can pronounce and who gets twarted by a one year old.) Wonder if Voldemort gave them a silly name to be sure of their loyalty?
Voldemort: Would you be willing to fight for me?
Random: Yes.
Voldemort: Would you be willing to die for me?
Random: Yes.
Voldemort: Would you be willing to fight under the really stupind name of "Death Eater" for me?
Random: Ehhmm, no.
Voldemort: Then you're not loyal enough. Avada Kedavra! ... Next!

2. Dumbledore in HBP.

That is all.
What, you want me to explain further? Read the book? The dude withhold information from Harry, just when he had promised that he wouldn't, led Harry on a very "necessary" goose chase after information he knew that he already had, and you know, never once bothered to tell Harry how to destroy Horcruxes, taught him any spells, or did anything useful other than wasting a year to tell him something that I, with acess to the same information as Dumbledore, could have handled in an hour. But then again, I don't have decades of teaching experience...

3. The very idea that H/G was true love from book 1.

OMG! I brought shipping into the list! Wankage! (*cough*) Well, it's just that somewhere in the IoD Melissa and JK sort of said something that the ships had been decided from "that scene in the train". Except if they were speaking about both R/Hr and H/G, as in ships in plural, that would rather be scenes and Ginny was never on the train in PS. And it bothered her so much that she wouldn't be, that she ignored her "love at first sight" until she heard he was Harry Potter.

You know what scene I on first read, without being into shipping, had thought was forshadowing of future love? Books and cleverness. You know where Harry had to convince Hermione with logic, just as she was about to protest, that she had to go and wake up Ron and go to safety rather than to go into certain death with Harry? Where Hermione with a quivering lip hugged Harry, fully catching him off guard? (Which I've actually seen people debate as being a "formal hug"?) With the two of them praising one another? If JK honestly insists that she never intended for anyone to see H/Hr as the slightest possibility, then there are certain wordings in that passage she may want to explain to me. Or well not want to, but I could force her. Maybe. Bribe her with ice-cream?

4. The conversation in the Shrieking Shack.

I know it bothered me on the first read, Peter Pettigrew is no proof. Maybe if I had known about veritaserum, but that we didn't hear about until GoF, Peter Pettigrew just being alive and there and able to turn into a rat... I dunno. So iffy. At least to me.

5. Death Food or Dark Mark or whatever.

While on the subject: Why didn't the ministry realise the odd coincidence that all the known Death Eaters went to the same tatoo parlor? And why couldn't that realisation have kept Sirius a free man?

6. Ohh, suspense.

What is it with Rowling and always making sure that only this book contains that information? Harry didn't see the Thestrals in book four, because that was something to reveal in the beginning of a book (of course along with one of the few characters that don't get on my nerves at any point, Luna rocks) and that's that. Call it that "death needs to sink in" or whatever. Every book must have its own special relevation. Otherwise we would have heard Voldemort brag somewhat about horcruxes in GoF, or seen Snape threaten with Veritaserum in any given book pre-GoF, or so. You know the most we get about what's to come? Hagrid mentioning that he borrowed Sirius' bike. That is all.

Maybe not so much stupid as, annoying? Tacky? 1337 \/\/R3Y37in6 5ki11z? *needs to practice her 1337 or maybe not*

7. Critics.

Okay, I realise that I've moved away from the series now, and entered the oh so delicate realm of criticizing the author. Which is the most ginormous taboo ever in HP-fandom and that alone scares me. Because Naruto-fans can crit Kishimoto, SW-fans crit Lucas all the time, and if One Piece ever had a sucky part I bet people wouldn't have a problem with telling Oda that he messed up and he'd have no problem hearing it.

And me? Well, as one who on the side works on one novel among many novel-ideas that become more concrete every day, and who seriously overthinks everything, I have contemplated having a fandom. Yes, maybe a bit of ego-pleasing, but if other people can dream about being rock stars, I can dream about having fans discussing what my characters are gonna do next. That is to say, I've been thinking a lot about how would I feel about having fandoms, and would they influence my writing and how? And I've pretty much come up to the conclusion that I'm like Rowling in that way: I don't care if you guys think I suck no matter what I do, gimme money!
No wait, that's more like Rowling. Me is more like:
Look, I'll do what I can with forshadowing and build up, so you don't feel I conned you, but if you want Vagina-chambers, don't turn to me, okie-dokie?

Besides, JK Rowling have numerous times shown that she doesn't care if anyone disses her, so people don't have to be her order of knights to the rescue. And I'm pretty sure that includes Ginny. So ehh, stop telling people why they hate characters, when they may actually have reasons for it. I don't go around saying that "You only ship H/G 'cus it's canon/fangirl-crush come true/you're a redhead", I just say that those would be rather pathetic reasons to ship it if they your reasons, and that H/G's lack of development and personal integrity sucked big time anyway

8. The Dursleys.

So. Exactly why did Dumbledore put Harry with the Dursleys? Why does he insist that he return every summer, especially as we through Tom Riddle's past know that Hogwarts seem to have some kind of summer school? (Or did they just suddenly stop having that for whatever reason so Harry couldn't stay?) Exactly how good is blood protection + one squib in comparance to a whole fullblood family? Or right under Dumbledore's crooked nose? (Was it just me who had difficulty not laughing when Voldemort said this? Meh, me and my odd sense of humour.) What exactly was Harry supposed to gain from living with the Dursleys? I dunno, it just bothers me to give the Hero such an unmotivated horrible upbringing. If Dumbledore's choice of making Harry stay with the Dursleys make him who he is, then how come we're supposed to sympathise with him?

That's it. I'm done. if you want more things that are incomprehensibly stupid with HP, and that are thought off by wittier people, go read deathtocapslock. It's loads of fun.

harry potter rambling, rambling, real life

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