(no subject)

Nov 08, 2006 21:54

1) Have you ever had a test that your brain had decided days ago that you wouldn't pass, and that it would be better to conserve energy and simply take the test without expectations and then learn from for the sake of the redo? And did you then have a mad struggle with the brain that led to tears, exam angst e.t.c. before finally caving in to the wisdom of your brain? And then get a guilt trip because everyone else got expectations?

2) I didn't think so...

See, it's not that my brain gave up without trying, it was just being realistic. I hadn't started the cramming in time, because amongst my reasons I had a group project that needed finishing, and other stuff. (Is really too sleepy/hyper/tired to be doing this.) So my brain and I reached a compromise: If I weren't going to take the test to pass the course, then I was going to learn from the test so that my next time at it I'd be sure to know how to study for it and how to answer on it. (The latter is surprisingly difficult for me, as I often don't explain my answers enough.) And also to get the experience of taking a test in a classroom rather than in an actual test-room. *will forever and ever prefer test-rooms*

3) So, yeah. Took a test that I knew beforehand I was going to fail, yet did better than expected by answering almost enough to have passed if I was lucky, so considering berating brain for not at least trying to suck up more information from the pages I had laid before it.

4) How much of our brain is "us" and "our brain" anyway?

5) I think too much on the wrong things...

6) as in the ammount of hours we were give to take the test. (And therefor not the ammount of hours I actually strained to stay there. When I can't answer the questions, I get antsy...)

7) Well, at least I know where tomorrow's class is. It was not funny to see a classroom I've never been to on the schedule, and not being able to find information on where it was or if it even existed. (I don't think higher education in Sweden believes in sharing any kind of information unless it's given at lectures and/or is a source of frustration.)

8) IF YOU COMMENT YOU MUST TELL ME RANDOM NON-SCHOOL RELATED STUFF!!! (*needs anything to take my mind off*)

random, school

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