I'm way too amused by this...

Aug 25, 2006 19:52

Study-break for tea and laughs to perk up!

And the best laughs? Reading the comments on sailormoonsays!

I'd think she's a sockpuppet, but I'd rather not get my hopes up. (Hey, even the most obvious fakers have turned out to be quite too genuine to be faking it...)


Pikachu and grapes?
The real meaning of tl;dr
If just one of them is serious, then there's more stupid than the world can handle.
Not very nice
And the one true highlight:
Do you think she can?

Kind of funny though how the first advice is look before you cross the street, and the next is: Sailor Moon says "There is no god". Is it just me or is that a heavy contrast? XD

pointing and laughing, lol

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