(no subject)

Jun 20, 2006 22:35

1) Eating a dinner that's weird even for my standards: Peanutbutter sandwhiches, hotdogs on a stick and a bottle of mineral water. (Had to finish off the hot dogs before they developed into a new form of life, didn't know what else to eat beside it so took the standard of sandwhich and peanutbutter sandwhiches are the quickest to make, and I like mineral water.)

2) The most interesting event on my F.L.U.I.O.D. (and if you don't know what that is, check with sbeegee, as I'm lazy):
Standing in line at the grocery store, I noticed that the customer infront of me had bought Harmoni-bread. <3 And being in a weird mood, I invented a dialogue that could have happened if I didn't prefer the outside to containment:
Me: Hello dear person, I see that you have found Harmony in your life. Is this true for your lovelife as well?
Person1: Are you drunk?
Me: No 'mam, just wearing my underwear inside out. *spots the customer further ahead having bought especially healthy sourmilk*
Me: Excuse me, Sir. I noticed you've bought sourmilk that brings Harmony to your stomach. That true for life and lovelife too?
Person2: Are you insane?
Me: No, just wearing my underwear inside out.

Man how weird would it have been if I had actually done that?

Otherwise I don't think I actually gave it too much thought, but I hardly ever notice underwear inside out or it being really cold or me being hungry. I'm too absent-minded!

3) Bleargh! Stale bread... I have the odd feeling I'm going to get really sick tonight, on top of this cold that comes and goes. (Inner cheapskate mourns the stale piece of bread that will be left half finished.)

4) Lately I've been eating old food, just so that I don't have to worry about any mutating monsters in my fridge. Not moldy or oozing or anything, just a little old. I just don't understand how in a family where we all feel obligatory to use up food before it becomes bad (as not to waste it) so much junk can be in our fridge that's getting old. Dear lord, we still have the gingerbread dough we never used in December! It passed its expiration date late March! And even still I can't go downstairs and toss it out! I don't have the heart to do it! (What? Am I gonna bake gingerbread? In the summer?)

rambling, real life

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