Jun 14, 2006 18:08
1) My very own mp3-player finally came in, no longer any need to borrow my brother's. And since I was oddly reminded of Bugs Bunny and the abominable snowman while cuddling my precious, it's going to be named George. (Funny, since it probably should be a feminine name since it's red, I can't fit anything else but George or possibly Lorietta, and I ain't naming it Lorietta. It's okay though, because it's kind of a masculine shade of red.)
2) What have we once more failed to learn today? Shantari + Caffeeine = Random.
3) I went and bought aubergnines(sp?) today so that I can make lots and lots of moussaka tomorrow. Usually I make it with potatoes, so it will be interesting to see the difference with using aubergine(sp?). (Very difficult for me to select them. "Hmm, think I'll take one that doesn't feel rubbery. WTF? They're all rubbery!")
4) Why am I making moussaka? Because I'm jobless while my brother is not, so to do some good and not live a completely pointless life, I'm making moussaka for him to take with as lunch. And I'm making plenty of it too.
5) Being jobless, this is what I will do:
- Whine about my misery and the interviewers who never called back or had the guts to tell me that I didn't get the job because I suck at work-interviews and didn't want to work the entire summer.
- Do household chores.
- Write fanfiction and original work.
- Study. And then study some more.
6) I really really wanted that job. It felt like it was going to be something that turned me around, giving me a sense of doing something worthwhile and get money for it. Now? Back to feeling worthless because I fail at being tested.
7) Bah, why did I go all emo? I'm not worthless! Sure my self asteem have gotten quite a lot of bangs this past year, but I'm still appreciated by myself and people who know me. And I know damn well that even though I am an idiot, I am a SMART idiot and have several things that I'm quite good at:
- Writing, people tell me this all the time, from the anonymous on the net to RL-people. Even if my High School teacher in Swedish thought I drifted off topic too easily she always found my language to be wonderful.
- Going crazy on a dancefloor.
- Coming up with silly jokes.
- Playing with numbers.
- Sudoku and kakuro. (<--- Which is hardly the best thing to brag about.)
- Improvise brilliance.
- Debating/arguing. Or at all using logic.
- Translate. I don't get how people get paid for being painfully bad at translating things I could translate well. (Simpson-subtitles are glaring examples of this. "I'm drunk" =/= "I'm God")
- Bravery. (See foolishness.)
So, eehhh, even if I'm a bit emo over having period plus missing a job because I turn idiot under pressure, don't worry about me.
8) *uses Ryou/Ichigo-icon because their squee-worthiness eases on my emo*
real life