(no subject)

May 29, 2006 09:00

1) So last night I was going a bit crazy. Ya see, this weekend I was supposed to do schoolwork, but some things like a BBQ-party and my brother needing to get his home-exam in in time, got in the way, so I ended up concentrating all my work on Sunday. To make a long story about my Sunday short, most of the work done was after 11 PM.

Some time between 11 PM and 12 AM, I feel that I'm going to nod off over the computer. So eventhough I had already drank(grammar?) a energy drink, I went and made myself a cup of coffee. Considering that I have for the last days been trying to get caffeeine out of my system, I should have known it to be a bad idea. It felt fine though, suddenly I was alert and ready to work. Got the job done, and send it to my group-mates (it was a group projekt, and that was my part of the job) at around 1 AM. The others had send their work to me and each other several hours earlier, though to be lenient on me, we had all of us admitted that my part was the lion-part and something that would need reworking. (This was just a matter of drafts, really.)

So all sleepy I go into the shower, thinking of the nice and comfy bed. Having trouble standing up while showering, thoughts of bed kept me up. And then, snug in my pyjamas, I crawl into bed. And twist and turn, with my heart going a mile a minute!

2) I'm amazed that I woke up earlier than I had set my clock for. (Will probably pay for it later...)

3) Yay! My room is licked clean!

4) So this week, the following will happen under some kind of miracle:
* I'll get my MP3 (and now also my brother's) checked on, and see if we have to replace them completely.
* I'll look on a laptop for me. <3
* The people from the interview will tell me if I'll get the job or not.
* My 1st of June update, that will see the site transfered over to its new home. Still got some coding and stuff to do.
* The group-project for school will be completed and sent in. And then have a representation of. *nervous*

Wow, quite the eventful week. When will my vacation arrive? The week after. And depending on if I get the job or not, that (and perhaps one more week? can't rememember) may be all the vacation I get. Well, until five weeks later. When I won't be working anymore in favor of the stuying I must do instead. D'oh!

5) So as you can guess, the week(s) between school and possible job will be my "time to burn". I call it so, because that's when I plan to focus on writing, so I'll be burning with creativity. Plus I'll be "burning time" on it. (Swedish expression, means to spend enormous ammount of something on one thing only. Like burn money on buying a car.)

6) Sleep? I don't understand this foreign concept...

school, rambling, site, real life

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