May 21, 2006 11:14
1) LORDI WON EUROVISION!! *spasms* (I would have done this about twelve hours earleier or something, but I was too tired then...) I had already gone to bed when my brother opened the door and told me.
2) I was at a friend's place yesterday for a birthdayparty. She's the one I last saw with a protruding belly. She now has a son called Milo, who's just soo goddarn cuuute! The lucky little boy got his mother's good looks. ^_^ His dad's from Chile, so at the party I got to meet some of his family from Chile, who also lives in Sweden. That was nice.
3) We were a lot of gals there, that's for sure. One friend that I hadn't seen for about a year was there, and God I have to talk about her. She's this really amazing fun-loving gal, that would be really difficult not to like if you ever tried. I was there first, and when she arrived she gave me a killerhug. She almost crushed my face. XD I had to yell, but it was so fun. (Yes, I know it sounds strange with crushing face = fun, but when she does it it's fun, because it's so completely unintentional on her part.) When she left before me, because she had to catch a bus to Gothenburg, she gave me another face-crushing hug, and was all "OMG! Not again! I'm so sorry!", aww, I love that woman!
4) We played Kubb! Which is a very funny outdoors game invented by Vikings, and which is why I'm not sure if you guys have heard of it. I wish I could explain it, but I don't want to waste too much time already... *have to study*
5) The girl that I talked about in 3)? I sang "Little Old Lady" to her, because I always think of her when in relation to that song. Probably because I picture Little Old Lady a lot like I picture my friend, fun-loving and happy no matter what the general public tells her. I told her it was her themesong. XD She was superhappy to hear that. (Even more when she finally heard that it was I who had written it.)
real life