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silverjedi October 22 2015, 03:16:31 UTC
Still think that sounds like Ginny. She did a few things to help with the plot (well, sort of…nothing like Hermione did, of course). I’m guessing what Molly and Felicity did is much more like what Hermione did, instead of Ginny’s contribution, but still…helping out with the plot and fading to the background is more of a Ginny character instead of a Hermione character.

Yep, that sounds like Ginny except she didn’t even have to look at Harry. She just heard his name and went fangirl! :) She didn’t even recognize him when he first approached Mrs. Weasley and was only interested when she found out who he was! Hermione? Oh, you’re Harry Potter? You’re in such and such books, didn’t you know? Well, bye! *ignores him* XD Speaking of, when I was rereading the books, I noticed that Harry and Hermione hardly have any conversations together. It’s usually Ron and Hermione talking, especially the earlier books. That really weirded me out. Whenever they do, it’s usually related to the plot, but the majority of the talking is dominated by Ron and Hermione. Was that supposed to be a hint?

Exactly. That Lucky You scene is kind of silly. Ginny sat on her information entire time, not once going to Harry until Hermione joins them and she drags Harry to Ron and Ginny. Ginny didn’t even try. At least Ron tried! Not to mention, in the end, Ginny’s information turned out to be false, Harry ends up being possessed by Voldemort. His possession was just unique, nothing like how Ginny was possessed.

The broom incident is really a good example of the difference between Harry/Hermione and Ron/Hermione. With Harry, even through he’s angry, we get an admission that he knew Hermione had meant well. He understands it, but of course, he lets his anger get control of him because he wanted that Firebolt so much, finally got it and now it’s gone because of Hermione! When he gets it back, he’s all willing to patch things up, he doesn’t harbor a grudge against her for it! With Ron, we never see an admission that Hermione means well. Even when Harry says they should make up with Hermione (and he’s the one who suggests it, not Ron), Ron’s just “Yeah, all right,” nothing else. Even through Ron acted the worst during the whole fight!

I’m really not into slash, to be honest. And I never really felt anything for Sirius/Remus, either, even if I did. I felt like they were friends/brothers more than anything else. And Remus/Tonks has been growing on me, lately, too, especially once I tried to think of how it could be fixed and better written. But yeah, I know Sirius/Marlene is completely crack (well, they had to interact with each other given the picture, but still…we don’t see that, so crack). Some people try to use the letters in Book 7 as support for it, but that’s flimsy at best, especially since we don’t see Sirius write back! Also, apparently, the OOTP movie had Sirius show Harry the OOTP picture, instead of Moody and he only mentioned Frank and Alice Longbottom and Marlene McKinnon. I think that’s interesting, but still, not outright evidence. I would never go around and claim it has tons of evidence or it’s canon, semi-canon or anything like that. It’s more or less a crack ship and I’m okay with that! :) I just want to see a H/Hr viewpoint on Sirius/Marlene because all I've encountered if R/Hr and H/G for it. :(

I’ve actually asked used the anon feature a couple of times. And I always tried to word things just right, hoping I don’t come off as a crazy person. Sometimes, I hate rambling so much! T_T But I guess I could try it. I’ll just say I know it’s a crack ship, but my imagination helped create a liking to it and I’m curious to how H/Hr shippers would view it, especially in fanfic...if such fanfic can be found... *grumbles due to lack of fanfic*


shantari March 8 2016, 16:01:51 UTC
Have you seen the new Star Wars movie?


silverjedi March 8 2016, 18:37:40 UTC
Nope. I've been avoiding anything Star Wars like the plague. I'm trying to change that, but it's a slow progress. :(


shantari March 8 2016, 21:48:21 UTC
If you're up for it, I know some new SW stuff that might be interesting:
New comics that bridge ANH with ESB and that is supposed to align with the new canon
SW Rebels, an all-CGI cartoon that follows a rag tag group fighting against the Empire (before ANH) and very slowly introducing the bigger rebellion (has some canon connections with the Clone Wars cartoon if that is knowledge of interest)


silverjedi March 8 2016, 22:48:19 UTC
I was watching Rebels, but anything SW-related was stressing me out so much, I couldn't take it anymore, so I didn't get to season 2. :( It still does. Until I get more comfortable, that'll all have to wait. :(


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