Random stuff 6:

Sep 24, 2010 13:16


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Damn you, youtube! Didn't even have a chance at compiling my random post, did I?
Here it is. Even if it's just not the same to link it...

2) I honestly feel awed infront of that kind of random. How could my measly post of Random Stuff ever hope to compete? I'll try to make this as random as possible, so that it may to some point live up to the epic randomness that is... that youtube-clip.

3) On thing that amuses me about Hetalia-fanon's idea of Sweden never using vowels when he speaks (scanlation-approximation of a Japanese dialect + memetic mutation = disaster/lolz) is that Sweden has three more vowels than most countries. So yeah, the guy like vowels, let him have 'em. (And in abbreviated Swedish it's much more common to exclude the consonants any way:
"I åa ä e ö!" ("I ån är en ö" = "In the stream there is an island.")

4) Speaking of Swedish-language fun, remember that homonym-crossing between Swedish and Engligh I did once?
"Our -> vår -> spring -> fjäder -> feather"?
I realised another one:
Candle -> ljus -> light -> lätt -> easy

Why does this interest me? Because too often do I see people thinking that translating language is as simple as translating the words. Never mind that you lose wordplay and puns, there's also the proverbs. "Cutting the cheese" does not mean the same thing in Swedish. (I'm still not sure why it means what it means in (American) English. I'm assuming it's American English, because I've never seen the expression in a British context.)

5) If coffee that's been left in the pot for so long that it's turned into charcoal smells somewhat like dogfood, should that mean we should be concerned about the quality standards of dogfood?

6) Okay, I may be completely alone in this, but the song Imagine by John Lennon? Scares me. Worries me. Could potentially fuel a nightmare or two. For some reason most people think this is a good song about well wishes for the world, which probably was the intention. I even saw someone quoting the entire lyrics on a comment about how we all need to appreciate diversity.

That is NOT the right song to quote on the benefits of diversity. That song is all about getting rid of cultural diversity, such as pesky things like national identity or religious belief.
"I hope someday you'll join us.
And the world will be as one."
*shudders* Yeah, doesn't remind me AT ALL of the ideas of the NWO. *shudders some more*

That song describes more dystopias than it does utopias.

7) Sometimes it's difficult idenitfying as an Agnostic. Mostly because I'm tired of this "war on religion" that seems to be going on out there. No, I don't think the world would be a better place if everyone were religious, nor if no one was. I think we need as many diverse ideas on the subject as possible. And that no matter what you believe, you should be fully capable of treating others with respect and understand the intent and letter of the law, first and foremost the pretty much universal golden rule:
"If you're nice to other people, other people are nice to you."
It doesn't quite work out for masochists, unless it can be worded out more properly, but that's for future generations to solve. :)


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