Election day!

Sep 19, 2010 13:25

Democratic duty complete! I have now voted in the Swedish General Election of 2010. Let the democratic process unfold!

As I arrived at the election spot for my district I passed by several people handing out voting slips.
Moderate: Would you like some voting slips?
Me: Sure, why not?
*receives and passes by a social democrat who does nothing and then I enter building* *exit building*
Me: (towards the social democrat) You know, I accept from all of you so no one will know how I vote.
Social democrat: Oh well, in that case. *hands over some slips*
Left partist who I didn't even notice at first: Well then, have some here too.

I don't know what's funnier to me, the way it seemed like I was belatedely covering up for voting for the moderates (I already had the slips for the party I voted for the riksdag in my purse, I genuinely wanted slips from everyone) or the way those two lit up when I wanted slips from them too. xD At least I gave them all a good laugh.

And then I went to the grocery shop to buy a bag of potatoes (mmm, blood pudding and potatoe pancakes....) and saw a headline that had me lol and mentally slap my forhead:
The Police suspects Sweden democrat for having themself carved the swastika into their forhead.

Okay, am I remembering this wrong or didn't something pretty much exactly the same happen in the lead up to the last presidential election in the states? I don't know who carved what accusing who, but you know something like that. Exact same psycho reasoning to mutilate themselves. It's pretty damn pathetic to actually steal an idea, which was proven not to work.

The Sweden democrats have been told over and over how they're a nazi party (which is kind of funny since the actual Swedish nazi party thinks they're a bunch of sionist bastards) but even so they've been growing in popularity lately. I don't agree with their ideas or politics, but I wish other parties would consider taking a closer look at the immigration question. You know, parties that might not decide to demonize all the immigrants and blame it on them for being too greedy with taking advantage of the Swedish welfare, but actually consider the issues of integration we have where people live here for extended periods of time without ever learning the language.

But that ranting aside, this kind of desperate attempt from them gives me at least a little hope that maybe they won't do so well. Frankly, I was a bit annoyed to see them score higher than the Pirate party in online polls. -_-' Oh well, I'll se how things go tonight. :D

sweden, politics

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