(no subject)

Aug 27, 2010 17:56

Done with work for this year! Back to school next week... Hey, where did that summer go any way?

Well, this week has been a bit hectic, what with having my redo exam in continued mechanics the other day, coupled with having to bike to work what with having no driver's license carrying brother around and all. And yet I somehow went and threw together an AMV. Honestly! I've never made a complete one before! But this song worked to well with Sweden and Finland... However, I still need to fix some subtitling for it, since the song is in Swedish, but I think it turned out pretty well for my first one.

Until I manage to decipher how one best does subtitling, it should be enough to know that
"låt mig vila hos dig" (l-awe-t may veela hos day)
means "let me rest here with you" to get the gist of it. Sure is sung enough times throughout the song.

image Click to view

Think the redo exam went well even with this little distraction. Now I just need to worry about my coming attempt at driver's license next week coupled with starting the new semester.

amv, sweden/finland, youtube, hetalia

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