Random stuff 5:

Jul 28, 2010 13:02


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2) On a related note: I bought a box of fifty chokladbollar!! (The box was slightily damaged so the price was at about ten bucks.) Reading the wiki-article my position on the naming controversy is that while others think there's not enough chocolate in them to call them "chokladbollar" they're certainly not black enough (being covered with either nib sugar or coconut-flakes) to be called "negerbollar" either. Besides, the only thing they need to be called is "delicious"!!!

3) Here's a fun game to play that only requires a hat (or your choice of random chance container), several pieces of paper and a pencil. Write any of the following on each piece of paper:
- Robots (transforming optional)
- Dinosaurs
- Cowboys
- Combining mecha
- Mecha Suits
- Aliens
- Fighting crime
- Trying to get home
- Military (preferably special ops)
- Just your average teenager/s
- Little kid
- Cars
- Pirates
- Magic
- Science!! (?)
- Rings given to a group
- Space travel
- Team
Fold the papers and toss them into your random container, and pick any number of them out. Whatever combination you get, there exists a cartoon based on that combined concept. I'm pretty damn willing to guarantee it.

4) Current favorite expression: "Han/hon/de ska få för gammal ost." = "He/she/they shall get for old cheese." An expression meaning that you're about to make sure that someone is going to get what's coming for them. It just sounds so delightfully random. I wonder where it comes from, and what it signifies besides a liking of cheese. (Someone lucky can be called "lyckans ost" or "the cheese of fortune".) This whole paragraph is kinda cheesy now that I think about it...

random stuff

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