As promised.

Apr 05, 2010 00:08

1) So as I was generally surfing a while ago I stumbled upon Which of course led me to seek out the English-language article on traveling in Sweden, because I'm all generally curious and amused about what non-Swedes think of Sweden. I was not to be disappointed. While the entire article was generally funny to me, this bit was ( Read more... )


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silverjedi April 4 2010, 23:29:55 UTC
1. So all of that is true? I'm trying to see the differences, but kind of failing. XD Perhaps social security numbers aren't used as frequently as Swedish's personal ID number?

I've been in queues before. Usually at the Department of Motor Vehicles. At banks and shops, we stand in lines.

Now for the question at hand, yes, I have a thermometer attached to the house, through it's a very old one. Most of the time, I check Weatherbug on my computer (don't have it on currently, still haven't transferred everything to my new one). If given the chance, I would have a host of weather related gauges (they sell them here, my dad has three gauges hanging on the wall at home, don't know what they are, through).

I'm not exactly sure if that wiki should be trusted. I mean, other than the fact it's part of wikipedia! Clearly if they think only Sweden cares about such things... XD

2. Cool! I'm glad it's finally becoming a true student-overall! ^_^

This was interesting! It was! Don't think it wasn't and really, anything with a poll is awesome incarnate! *nods*


shantari April 5 2010, 21:03:33 UTC
1) Dude, I totally have to write down my personal ID number every time I take an exam.

Yeah, I'd think that goes without saying. (Unless the article was directed towards Italians?) You also have those number-papers right? At least at the bank and such.

It's like, why would we be the only ones interested in knowing outside temperature? Weathermen aren't always right, and it is something that can vary greatly. (Especially this time of year.)

2) It would be a perfect Åvve if it got to the point that it could stand on its own. :D
Bro: "Crustaceans, insects and students have a exoskeleton." :D

I love doing my polls, it takes like five seconds before they go out of hand. :)


silverjedi April 7 2010, 05:21:08 UTC
1. O_O Every exam? Even for tests given by your teachers? I could understand state tests, but for classes? Yikes! I didn't memorize my Social Security number until college! (Councilor forced me, I still feel lucky I can remember given how horrible I am with numbers).

Yeah, but not at the bank. Just at the Motor Vehicles place.

Exactly. I mean, really, it isn't ideal to dress up in shorts, go out and suddenly realize, it's below 50 degrees! Weatherman was wrong again! XD

2. Okay, then. When it does get like that, you must take pictures. I really want to see that!! XD Your brother is just awesome, I can see how you two are related!

I can tell. It's quite obvious. XD


shantari April 7 2010, 09:57:26 UTC
1) Yep. I think it's only on college level though, but now that I think back I probably had to fill it in back in High School too. (Was so long ago, I barely remember. -_-)

Really? Because at the Bank there are one kind of number-paper for service-business, and one kind for "kassaservice" (what's it called when you just want to deposit or withdraw?), and I have a difficult time imagining how you'd avoid chaos with neither.

2) Next time I'm visiting him, I'll totally have him take pictures of how the Åvve looks then, to picspam with. :D


silverjedi April 7 2010, 17:28:21 UTC
1. I didn't have to use my number for tests, just for official college stuff at the beginning of the semester and stuff like that. But wouldn't using your personal number for lots of stuff increase the chances of someone taking it? What are the precautions for identity theft in Sweden?

Whenever I'm at the bank, it's usually pretty calm. The bank I go to has two people who help so you just go to one of them. If both are taken by someone else, you just stand in line and wait your turn. It's pretty calm. And both do pretty much anything you ask, deposit, withdraw, etc. The larger banks have more counters, which I think are different, but I don't go to them as often, but it's still pretty calm and not chaotic at all.

2. *dances* Yea! We get picspam!! XD


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