Random stuff 2:

Nov 07, 2009 22:31

1) Finally this week of exams and last minute handins of stuff to do is over with. And on Monday I start new course/s. (Technically I start two new courses, but since one of them is continuation of math, I dunno.) Just hope I didn't fail anything, or didn't fail too much at least.


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3) Was hoping to do some writing tonight, but I feel stuck. (And lazy.) I've joined two Secret Santa exchanges, which I've never done before. I really hope I don't end up disappointing my recipients.

4) When other Swedes look up the Swedish Chef scetches on youtube, they either complain about Americans believing that Swedish really sounds like that or about other Swedes believing that Americans really believe that.

For my part, I simply resolve to get a gun to keep in the kitchen for my cooking needs. (So that's how you make donuts. Thank you, Swedish Chef!)

5) Hmmm, writing meme time? Yeah, need the warm up:
Give me a character/pairing/whatchamacallit and a sense/feeling/reaction to evoke in the reader, and I shall try to do so in 200 words per challenge.

random stuff

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