It's been so long since I last posted...

Sep 07, 2009 16:43

... and I even promised I would post more often. ^^' *sheepish* Oh well, here are some news and olds ( Read more... )

school, computer, writing, hetalia

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shantari September 10 2009, 19:07:06 UTC
1) I guess, but I still half and half use the old one. Since I still got some stuff on it and such. (I got my writings on both, though I primarily write on the new one.)

2) Thanks. Right now I'm just so crazy happy because I love my subjects. And everything about this feels right.

3) I live really central, and I mostly want the driver's license soon so I can visit my brother more easily. And just so I can drive period, because I rather enjoy driving actually, as long as I know that I can trust myself behind the wheel.

4) That'd be nice. I think maybe I'll have it so that I write on sundays, as long as my schoolwork for the week is taken care of. ^^

5) It varies from person to person, but I wouldn't trust what people say about it. There's a lot of opinions that have been spread by people that haven't even looked into it. For my part, I like it because of its portrayal of how complicated relationships between countries (and between countries and their leaders) have been historically. The fact that it's also funny, and has a very wide and diverse fandom also helps. (I guess it also helps that I don't see anything wrong with playing with stereotypes associated with nationality when it's through a presentation of the nation itself. Oh, and the fact that I really like my country's representation probably also helps. I've always been curious to how other people perceive Sweden.)

6) *looks at cookies* *pokes at them with a stick* *creeps closer to them* *takes one* *nibbles* *gets covered by a net* *continues nibbling, undisturbed*


silverjedi September 13 2009, 04:16:20 UTC
I've been so distracted lately. ^^;; Sorry!

1. I think it's good to have a spare computer. You never know what'll happen with the other one.

2. I would think so. :) That's always a nice feeling, getting into a subject you just love!

3. Yourself is the only one you can trust. XD

4. Never know until you try! And if it doesn't work...I'm out of ideas. :p

5. All I've encountered in it are pairings. :p Likely not a good section of fandom to be introduced to it. And two, sometimes I'm not fond of the sterotype America gets so I tend to avoid it. >_<

6. *throws pokeball. pokeball closes on Shantari. pokeball wobbles as Shantari tries to escape. pokeball breaks. Shantari escapes* Shoot! So close! XD (Can you tell what's distracted me lately?)


shantari September 15 2009, 10:48:02 UTC
1) Mmm, but I really hope I can get everything I still have on the old one transfered to the new one soon enough, since it's difficult to start up at times, so it wouldn't make a really good spare one. :P

4) I've gotten an idea for a R/L-fic, it's been so long. But as I'm scetching it out, I feel like I've maybe lost touch with my feeling for the pairing. Could you come up with some drabble-prompts for me? (Your previous ones have worked so well for me ^^)

5) Ah, I hope it didn't sound like I was trying to convert you. I think I got a bit tl;dr there. ^^' I came to the fandom through tv-tropes, so while I was aware of some of the pairings, I started off just reading the manga because it sounded interesting for itself. America usually doesn't get a good image these days, I know, but in the manga I think it's different. Sure, Hetalia-America is a bit of a self-centered idiot, but he's a well-meaning and endearing self-centered idiot, if that makes sense. A lot of the good stereotypes around Americans (yes, they exist) have been incorporated into him, which more than makes up for any bad parts. (The manga-ka started with the manga while studying in the US, that might have helped.) Mostly America is a happy guy who does things with conviction of justice, and is as tv-tropes calls him a genius ditz. (He invents a lot of things!) He's also, like the other countries, a complex person. (Damn, this got tl;dr too.) He's also one of the funniest characters, especially whenever with England (his former adoptive older brother/steward sort of).

6) *escapes into the wilderness* *finds a badger* *screams* *runs back and jumps up in Silverjedi's arms in a totally not-a-coward-way* (This is getting epic. XD) (I dunno, is it something fandomwise or real life wise?)


silverjedi September 15 2009, 19:23:07 UTC
1. Ah. Yeah, I would likely transfer stuff over, too, if my computer did that.

4. They have? I was afraid they wouldn't. ^^;; I've never good with prompts, I have to dig for them. Okay...what about this...R/L (or anyone if you want) are trapped in a snowstorm, with only three sea shells, an encyclopedia, two empty cans and four food items of your choice. If this is HP, no magic can be involved. And I completely came up with this out of thin air. ^^;; Toy around with it if you want to.

5. Nah, I didn't get that. :) Sounds like he isn't too bad. I'm glad for that. I can handle flaws pretty well, just as long as they're not overblown or the only aspect that's there to laugh at.

6. *fights badger with a stick. stick breaks. runs in a very cowardly fashion* I'm not ashamed!! XD (I'm not sure, I just keep lurking on Pokemon forums for details about the new games that came out recently. And I daydream about my Pokemon team. I consider that obsessing).


shantari September 16 2009, 17:50:13 UTC
4) That one is too good not to use on a certain cast of original characters of mine. (It's a rather fluid cast, since much of the story and the cast itself isn't quite decided yet. This might help me define them better, since I can more easily decide on their strengths and weaknesses during an emergency situation. I also threw in a monster being loose, yet trapped with them. :D)

5) Ah, good. Want me to recommend a good strip with America in it? If you want to check it out that is.

6) *is left on the ground* *getting growled at by the badger* *picks up the discarded pokéball* Go pokéball! *pokéball bounces on badger's head* *badger really pissed off by now* Hehe, oops? *runs in the uttermost cowardly fashion screaming "Rule Britannia!"* (Ah, should have gotten that. But I guess to me, throwing a pokéball is such an obviously logical thing to do in that situation, I didn't pay it any mind. Ahh, it's been several years since I played that game though.)


silverjedi September 16 2009, 22:30:15 UTC
4. Yea! I'm so glad they're working! ^_^

5. Sure. Why not. ^_^

6. *is up in a tree with rocks beside her* Rocks hurt, Badger! XD (Ah, the pokeball has enter mainstream. XD I still play. Fun and my brother has someone to trade with. I'm grinding through Pearl at the moment. Still haven't beat the Elite Four >_< ).


shantari September 22 2009, 19:02:13 UTC
5) This one has America as a kid with his adoptive older brother England. There's also a much longer story about how England came to be America's older brother, but it's really long and kinda complicated if you don't know the characters. But it's soo cuute! Ahh, and then there's this one. Overall it's considered one of the greatest Hetalia strips in general. It's the first strip I read, but I kinda wished I had read other strips first. Since I didn't know which character was which country first, it got really confusing which made some of its awsomeness fly by me on my first read. It's sort of the opposite of the first two strips, since it's about America remembering back to when he got his independence. These are probably some of the greatest America-strips, I think.

6) *suddenly a moose appears* Holy crap! *runs up a tree too* (It's appearantly moose-season, every other day there seems to be traffic warning about them on the morning radio.)


silverjedi September 23 2009, 22:26:03 UTC
5. I read the first one and third one (since I'm new). Looks pretty good. :) The third one definitely is different from the other two (I got kind of worried when it got to the war part, but it turned out okay). And I loved the Omake at the end! XD In the first one, it was hilarious when England came back to America all grown up! XD Btw, what's the maid's name?

6. MOOSE!?! :O I don't know anything about a moose! There no moose where I live! I am lost!! T_T *clings to tree in utter most fright*


shantari September 24 2009, 05:51:46 UTC
5) The maid (who's actually a guy) is Lithuania, representing the outsourcing of Lithuania to America going on at that time, hence why he works at Americas house. There's a bunch of other strips about that called "Lithuania's outsourcing series".

6) Now if I remember my local childhood's funny version of rock-paper-scissors... Moose eats Carrot, Carrot breaks the windshield of the SAAB, and the SAAB runs over the Moose. Wait, that doesn't apply to real life! A moose is bigger than a car!! *clings to tree*


silverjedi September 25 2009, 02:55:27 UTC
5. *checks again* Oops. ^^;; (It looked like he was wearing a dress! Kind of girlish hair, too. I don't think the lack of color helped any, either!). Eh, I learn something new every day, I suppose. ^^;; But that does bring up a question. Are there any woman in this series?

Btw, did you know they're coming out with a movie of Hetalia? Saw it on Anime News Network.

6. Can't sleep. O_O Moose will eat me. O_O


shantari September 27 2009, 19:32:06 UTC
5) (Further to your defence, the mangaka first planned to make Lithuania a girl. Also it was a very cute apron.) Very few, but there are. Hungary, Liechtenstein, Seychelles, Belgien, Ukraine, Belarus and Taiwan are female. My brother thought it was weird that Sweden was a guy, since we tend to think of our country as our "mother". We call her Mother Svea, like the US is called Uncle Sam.

Yes, I heard about it through the Hetalia-community. I'm quite curious about what kind of story they'd have for the movie.

6) No worries, they're herbivores. Although that doesn't matter, since they're freaking huge, has big crowns and could probably crush you to death if they sat on you. They can't climb trees though, and maybe hunting season will start soon. *hunter shows up* See? We're saved! *turns out that the hunter is blind and is shooting wildly* Ehm... maybe not?


silverjedi September 27 2009, 22:56:00 UTC
5. (Well, I also blame Japan for having a love of very girly men sometimes! XD ). I guess the guys are more popular because they are all I see. Maybe the Mangaka didn't know you call Sweden that? I certainly didn't know that, although, I think a lot of countries historically did that now that I think about it.

6. Okay so Moose won't eat me. Just crush me in some matter. *bullet flies through hair* AHHH! *hugs tree* Call a Park Ranger! Or someone!! O_O


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