I need to make a fun post!

Sep 03, 2008 22:05

1) I actually wanted to make a post of lols way back in springtime, but it never got posted. So here's an excerpt, which I saved in a notepad for future posting:

Here are some lols from RL:

While talking with my brother about Rolfing:
Me: So there is this term Rolfing, which originates from JK Rowling on the question "What happened to Luna?" answered "She married some guy named Rolf."
Bro: Was that because she discovered most muggle guys that like Luna are called Rolf?
Me: ....

Then, on further rolfings:
Me: So you wanna know what she named Draco's wife?
Bro: Sure.
Me: Astoria Greengrass.
Bro: .... She has got to have a hat for this or something.

Then on something completely different:

Bro: I hate illogical conclusions. You know fact A, but you draw your conclusion not on just fact A but also by idea B and C, which you call facts except they came from nowhere but your own mind. Fact A is the only thing you actually know, you don't know B and C, and definately not the conclusion based on them.
Me: You know, it's statements like this from you, that makes me both want and not want to introduce you to HP fandom.

And today, while eating lunch with my grandma:

Me: *pondering* You know, I think I got my nose from you.
Gran: I don't think so. I still got mine left.

2) And something more recent, I've been pondering over something that I just can't drop. Creators of different medias that sink ships with the most overused canon/bomb of all: "S/he/it is like a sister/brother/cousin/parent/child/auntie to me."
Okay if my ship doesn't happen. I can be cool with that, sometimes it's just a matter of personal preference. Sometimes I as a reader see things that the writer didn't really think that much about while writing, heck when I write myself I constantly notice alternative interpretations I in no way was thinking of while writing. So sure, fans will ship pairings that won't be canon. They'll be disappointed when it doesn't become canon. They'll wonder why it didn't become canon. They may end up disappointed in the rivaling pairing/pairings that became canon instead. Do ya really think that refering to their prefered romantic pairing as a family-like relationship is absolutely necessary?

I get that it would be a good explanation for how the two characters can be at ease with each other. I don't get how this will make me feel better for reading either text or subtext of them having sexual and/or romantic chemistry. In some cases, it just makes characters creepy... Like a guy who has tilted a girl's face up, while looking deeply into her eyes and make a comment about how beautiful she is, and then about a couple of months later go "She's like my little sister, and that's how I've always felt about her. ^_^" The example may seem extreme, but it certainly isn't far off. In that aspect I prefer Yuu Watase's general approach to the "resolved love triangle". The left out party simply states that s/he will conced hers/his loss, on the condition that the canon pairing actually are happy together. What I like is that it works on an exact condition that makes the "I want my beloved to be happy"-scenario work on more than just the assumption that the beloved will be happier without the belover... (It's a word NOW at any rate. :P)

Personally I don't get into the whole "fanon ships must be sunk" mentality of many creators. It could be because I have many fanon ships of my own in different fanons. It could be because even as I plan out some of my own canon, I can see relationships that fanon will ship that I simply won't make canon. Either because it would conflict with pairings that will be canon, or because I just wanna leave it open. I even have canon unrequited loves/crushes, that may end up hurting the feelings of both ends of the one way street. If people ship some of these, and draw loads of pretty fanart and write smutty fics..... It won't boil my kettle. Not even if they take actual family relationships and turn them into that. As long as they don't shove it up my nose or whatever, it has no way of bothering me. :)

Now, when it is an actual family relationship, and it's revealed for plot reasons, then I don't mind a creator playing that card. If I'd never seen Return of the Jedi, there's a chance I might have shipped Luke/Leia once upon a time. But their familial relationship was relevent.

Example: Harry shouldn't have had to tell Ron that he saw Hermione as a sister. Considering that the only sibling-like relationship Harry has experience of is that he has with the Weasley siblings, and worth noting, how he relates to and witness Ron relate to Ginny. What he could have said is "We're just friends." A cliche that one too, and actually he used that once now that I think about it. But it at least does not introduce a hint of creepiness. Even better would be "I don't think of Hermione that way, and if I did, I would have told you. Long before I would try anything with her. Besides, she likes you, not me." Something like that, a bit of the infamous "guys' honour code" that you don't make a move on your friend's sister, ex, potential gf, e.t.c. without first talking it over with your guyfriend. Considering this was a code Harry was keenly aware of just the year before, it would make sense.

So in conclusion: Don't use the family-like relationship excuse when sinking ships, it will just make things unintentionally creepy. For fun, take your favorite ships that were sunk with this bomb, and find the most unintentionally creepy scenes that came out of it. Bonus points if the pairing turned out to actually be related.


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