This is such a coherent post. XD

Aug 17, 2008 22:13

1) I did not get extension due mostly to economic state and poor car sales, so I am unemployed for now. But I am still one million times better off now than last spring, because now I've got one heck of a working merit.

2) For the time being I am going to focus on two things: Getting a new job, and getting some writing done. Once I got a new job, and it is one I'll have for a number of months and with good enough pay, I am going to look for an apartment. Just some place where I pay the rent, and where I can have my stuff and such, and no longer be a leach on my grandmother and parents. And hopefully a place that I can feel good enough about living at for the next four years or so, when I finally have made a career choice that involves me studying in my hometown. (I am 100 % certain that it is an engineer I want to be, and more specifically a robotics engineer. Högskolan Väst, the local college/university (I have no idea), has a specific educational program for Robotics Engineering. And there is a robotics company in Sweden that is among the biggest robotics companies in the world. So yes, that's what I'm going to become. Once I get in of course, which doesn't seem to be to difficult. I just need to get good enough on Högskoleprovet (Swedish SAT), and that should be not too much of a problem.)

3) After I have a job and apartment, I'm going back to focusing on my writing, as well as saving money. But if I can afford it reasonably, I'm going to get (a) pet/s. Partially to keep my maternal instincts at bay, partially because I recently decided what would be the perfect pet for me and now I'm in a constant daydream of being a pet owner. Extremely cuddly, can be trained, somewhat easy to take care of, so incredibly gosh darn cute, intelligent and social, and not that expensive. Rats! Cute widdle cuddly rats! When I mentioned it to my parents (on seperate occasions due to them being uh... seperated) each of them were like "Eww!" "I'm not going to visit you then!" with the latter remark being more in jest. Seriously though, rats seem to be coolest pet around. Plus I am one. Being born in 1984 that is. I already have so much in common with my potential future pets! Look at the pictures and read these care tips, and then tell me with a straight face that you wouldn't love a rat for a pet. I am not going to get one though if I don't have fair economy and feel certain enough that I'm ready for a pet. I've never technically had one, as the only pet our family ever had belonged to my brother. Plus the damn bird kept harrassing my hair!

4) Writing meme (because I really need to improve my writing on action scenes):
a) Pick a setting.
b) Pick characters.
c) Pick antagonists/goal to be achieved/battlefield to survive/carchase/random.
d) Pick weapon of choice if different from their usual weapon of choice in whichever fandom they're from.
e) Optional: Pick a theme or ship that is supposed to be developed or expanded upon in the midst of the action, through dialogue or otherwise.
f) Wait as I cobble together something at any word length, then rate my action scenes. I really need the feedback on this, even if it is just "liked it" and/or "disliked it", because then at least I know if it needs work or not.

And I know this writing meme is complex. But it leaves room for random, so go nuts. Please? ^_^ I can't come up with a better way of testing my action writing. TBH, I don't know if it really is as bad as I think it is, because I've never gotten feedback on action scenes in specifics. (Actually I'm not sure if I've written action in any of my fanfics... There has been some I guess, but nothing complicated where the action risk not coming across well.) Anyway, go nuts. I even offer alternative canon, if there was a action scene you would have wanted to happen some other way. And I'm gonna be crazy enough to say that any fandom goes, as long as it involves general facts I can look up. Maybe not Avatar, because I'm still not sure if I'm going to watch it or not, so I've been avoiding spoilers like crazy.

meme, writing, job, real life

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