*bitch-slapping politicians* How I wish that was something I was actually doing...

Jun 21, 2008 16:39

Bad things that happened:

1) First and foremost, not in chronological order but in order of cosmic universal hell-screwing: The FRA-law has been passed.

What you ask? Oh, nothing, just a law that gives the Swedish Defense Radio-Institution (Försvarets Radio Anstalt) full rights to examine all international telephone conversations and internet-affairs of all regular Swedish citizens. For our protection. Against terrorists.

The problem is that ALL internet transactions are across the border and practically ALL phone conversations are patched through neighbouring countries to decrease the workload on Swedish phonecompanies. Which means that this entire post that you're reading is either being or going to be accessed by a institution in my country. Yay! Big brother is looking out for my best interests! Since when has Sweden ever been a target by terrorists? I'll tell you when, 1543 when Nils Dacke died during the Dacke-rebellion, that's when! (Okay, so I just took a historical event involving people attacking the authority in charge for the sake of giving in to particular demands. I don't know when Sweden ever was a target by terrorists, it certainly hasn't been during this century.)

I just can't believe this happened. I've been too blind, too proud in my country. "This sort of thing happens in other countries. Not mine." Even almost "This sort of thing happens in books that were written 30 or 80 years ago." "This sort of thing doesn't happen. It doesn't happen in a way that affects me." But the worst part is probably that this is starting to become eerily similar to a dystopian future I've made up for a work of fiction. Except some hundred years earlier. Damn you government! You're ruining the chronology of my fictional work!

2) Other than that my week has mostly been a series of smaller inconveniences. Embarrassing myself at work, accidentally dropping my lunch, oversleeping, and a more complicated incident involving strangers scaring the hell out of my grandma.

3) Few bits of goodness? I got a new cellphone so that I can be reached! And probably someone is going to listen to my phone conversation.... T_T I baked blueberry muffins for a coffeebreak with my co-workers. They were well-received. Also I had a blast at midsummer's eve with my brother and buddies! Barbeque and getting wasted, plus playing games of increasing difficulty when drunk. (Such as "A ship's cargo is...")

4) And another thing was a very funny conversation with my brother on msn. When I had overslept for work this wednesday, I had in a panic called my brother to ask him to drive me to work. He did, and he got pretty much as paniced as I did which only served to increase my panic. But as it turned out my getting late wasn't nearly as disastrous as I had imagined it becoming. So when chatting with my brother on msn, I told him that he was a expert on getting people riled up.
"If I worry about a thousand different things, you will come up with a thousand new unnessecary things for me to worry about. Oh, and a couple of more more things to constantly think about."
His response: "Great, huh? :D"
My resonse: "*disarms you with my incredibly cute user-pic*" At which point I changed my userpic to this

His response (and this time I am not translating or changing any part):
* analyzing optical data...
* target identified: (1) "cute" child dog
* checking local database
* primary attributes found:
- "Cuteness", an attribute causing a pshycological urge to help and protect
- eof
* Evaluating options: Mission aqquired: Eliminate hostile to prevent corruption

I lol-ed. A lot.

5) I'm also vaguely tempted to constantly has this as my mood. Just because.

ranting, random, rambling, politics, lol

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