
Feb 16, 2008 20:21

Just got home from ski-trip which I was going to forewarn flist about, but forgot...

Muscles aching. Feeling dehydrated and tanned. Left arm temporarily disabled when it comes to certain movements. Shoulders stiffer than a stick. But it was fun! We used to do these every year me, my bro and my dad. But for the last couple of years it has been a no-go. Understandably so the last two years, but I don't remember why we didn't go back in 2005... Anyway, we was at a place we've never been to before, but the slopes were wonderful. Lots of green ones for a newbie like me! ^^ (And for the curious, green slopes = very easy, blue slopes = moderately difficult, red slopes = kinda difficult, black = very difficult.)

I fell on my face yesterday though... Very glad that the worst injuries I suffered were a stretched muscle on my left arm (hence why it is going to be difficult to use for the next couple of days) and that I had to take my glasses to a local optician to correct the nose-holding parts. Good that I got my skiing skills freshened up after years of not skiing.

family, real life

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